Premium Member
I'm not good with putting multiple quotes in a post, so I'll just restate them as I address them.In the context of Mythology, Light battles Darkness, when the Autumn approaches, the darkness seems to come from the North, because the Sun rises to a point lower in the sky daily until the Winter Solstice. and is never directly over head anywhere North of the Tropic of Cancer, at about 27 degrees Latitude
"Light battles Darkness, when the Autumn approaches, the darkness seems to come from the North"
That's true, but I think it's kind of a shakey argument. If we were to look for an example of the Light battling the Dark, we could do so with a daily reminder of the rising sun chasing away the darkness, but in that case, the west would be the place of darkness.
"is never directly over head anywhere North of the Tropic of Cancer"
That's also true, but just because the sun isn't directly overhead doesn't make one area dark. You and I both live in California. It's a little after 1pm here, if I go outside and look up to the sun, I could hardly say that it's dark in the north.