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What is Philosophy?


Registered User
Completely disagree....the man that takes his own life is a coward pure and a veteran of the war in Iraq...ive had plenty of friends take their own lives and its a permanent solution to a temporary solution....when u kill ur self u no longer suffer but everyone uve ever known now suffers for the rest of their lives

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Technically, since death is a transition, it is not a permanent solution so much as a transition to a different plain of existence. I will say suicide is selfish in the fact that it is transferring pain from oneself to others, yet at the same time expecting someone to suffer so that you don't have to share in their pain is also selfish. If we all carry each other's burdens then the struggle is shared and the pain of life can be easily carried by all, hence societies of brothers. I have held a gun to my head and from my personal experience I say it is easier to take another's life than it is to take ones own. Think of the people you killed in Iraq, did you not transfer pain to those that loved the ones you killed? I'm sure you feel justified in those actions, yet is it truly different than the pain transferred through suicide? Those that take their own lives can feel just as justified as those that take the lives of others. It is easier to stand in judgement of the actions of others than it is to see how our actions equate to those we judge. This, of course, is all my own opinion and I only offer it as a different perspective brother.


Premium Member
Completely disagree....the man that takes his own life is a coward pure and a veteran of the war in Iraq...ive had plenty of friends take their own lives and its a permanent solution to a temporary solution....when u kill ur self u no longer suffer but everyone uve ever known now suffers for the rest of their lives
Even as I reply to your post I am compelled to ask myself why I feel the need to respond. I am sure that the need has more to do with me than with you or with anything you have written.

If a man's body is sick or injured everyone understands. Because the mind is not a physical entity it can be harder to be understanding when it is sick or injured. When a person has a problem they call upon the mind to find a solution. However, suppose the sickness or injury is to the mind itself. How does a person find a solution when the problem is that their solution finder is broken?


Premium Member
If a man's body is sick or injured everyone understands. Because the mind is not a physical entity it can be harder to be understanding when it is sick or injured. When a person has a problem they call upon the mind to find a solution. However, suppose the sickness or injury is to the mind itself. How does a person find a solution when the problem is that their solution finder is broken?

Have you noticed that anti-depressant medications warn of thoughts of suicide? A nurse friend explained -

Often people with severe depression are in pain but lack the motivation to end it. It's possible that anti-depression medication gives them enough motivation that they can see a way to end their pain.

Masonry teaches universality. Various cultures across the world and across history have had very different views on the meaning of suicide. Being deeply entrenched in western thought I have struggled with that when it comes to suicide. I fall back on something that Dave Ramsey says about stuff his wife wants - "I don't have to get it. I just have to get it." He doesn't have to understand what his wife wants. He just has to deliver what his wife wants to her. I don't have to understand why other cultures see the topic of suicide differently than my culture does. I just have to accept that the do/did. I can accept that which I don't understand.


Site Benefactor
Technically, since death is a transition, it is not a permanent solution so much as a transition to a different plain of existence. I will say suicide is selfish in the fact that it is transferring pain from oneself to others, yet at the same time expecting someone to suffer so that you don't have to share in their pain is also selfish. If we all carry each other's burdens then the struggle is shared and the pain of life can be easily carried by all, hence societies of brothers. I have held a gun to my head and from my personal experience I say it is easier to take another's life than it is to take ones own. Think of the people you killed in Iraq, did you not transfer pain to those that loved the ones you killed? I'm sure you feel justified in those actions, yet is it truly different than the pain transferred through suicide? Those that take their own lives can feel just as justified as those that take the lives of others. It is easier to stand in judgement of the actions of others than it is to see how our actions equate to those we judge. This, of course, is all my own opinion and I only offer it as a different perspective brother.
I find it funny that you think that just because I'm a veteran I have killed somebody. I have a total of 27 months in theater and no I have never taken another person's life. I have had them try to take mine through roadside bombs and the like. But by God's grace I never had to take another man's life. But it speaks to your opinion of the war and of service members that you automatically think that someone who's been overseas has killed someone.

Also thank you for putting me in a position where I feel that I have to defend myself for having not had the opportunity based on where I was deployed to and the mission that I was assigned to rid the world of terrorists as my fellow Veteran's we're able to

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Registered User
It is by grace you have not had to take part in taking another's life and it is also by grace that your own life was not taken. Clearly you missed the point of my comment, or I did not explain it well enough, which was only to offer another viewpoint. I have no doubt you feel the way you do based off your perception of the events, which I did not question, because everyone has their own views and perceptions on the "war on terror" and none of our views on it are relevant to our coming together as brothers to further our knowledge. My comparison is on death and whether or not we feel as though that death is justified it causes pain, you said you were in Iraq so I made a comparison I assumed you could relate too and I apologize for my assumption.


Registered User
What does philosophy mean to you?

First of all, the Spanish is my mother tongue, so sorry for my English.

Having said that, I think it is important to know the ethimology or the origin of the word is a Greek word, and means "science's lover" fact, the very first philosophers were scientists...they wanted to explain, through the philosophy, the things that happen in the nature, I they tried to answer questions like: what are we made of?, what are the things made of?, Why do the stars exist?....

But with the past of the centuries the questions were turning more complicates...till our days...

So, the philosophy, it is, for me, the way in which we learn to think...probably it is an art.

I have to say, that in my country, if you want to go to the University, it is obligatory to study during a whole year a subject called philosophy....

I recommend to any of you that are interested in Philosophy, and the evolution of the human though, reading the book: "Sophie's World"'s_World


Site Benefactor
Technically, since death is a transition, it is not a permanent solution so much as a transition to a different plain of existence. I will say suicide is selfish in the fact that it is transferring pain from oneself to others, yet at the same time expecting someone to suffer so that you don't have to share in their pain is also selfish. If we all carry each other's burdens then the struggle is shared and the pain of life can be easily carried by all, hence societies of brothers. I have held a gun to my head and from my personal experience I say it is easier to take another's life than it is to take ones own. Think of the people you killed in Iraq, did you not transfer pain to those that loved the ones you killed? I'm sure you feel justified in those actions, yet is it truly different than the pain transferred through suicide? Those that take their own lives can feel just as justified as those that take the lives of others. It is easier to stand in judgement of the actions of others than it is to see how our actions equate to those we judge. This, of course, is all my own opinion and I only offer it as a different perspective brother.

Now that ive calmed down let me respond to the actual post......

Technically, since death is a transition, it is not a permanent solution.

Yes it is. If you believe in reincarnation and the like that doesnt matter here as you dont come back as the same person. Your loved ones have forever lost you and your problems that you thought were unfixable and no longer yours....permantely.

will say suicide is selfish in the fact that it is transferring pain from oneself to others, yet at the same time expecting someone to suffer so that you don't have to share in their pain is also selfish. If we all carry each other's burdens then the struggle is shared and the pain of life can be easily carried by all, hence societies of brothers.

I agree. It is by far the most selfish act someone can do.

I have held a gun to my head and from my personal experience I say it is easier to take another's life than it is to take ones own.
Im sorry to hear this. I am glad that you made the decison to stay here! one wuestion though, how do you know that killing someone else is easier? I will say that I have shot at people and shot in to buldings, however there was no confirmation of a kill. and it was easy when they were shooting at me, but when it was a car drving at me and wouuldnt stop I did everything i could to not have to shoot, glad I didnt, when it finally pulled over and we passed it it was a man and about 5 kids. Im sure he was distracted as we passed him his hands were up and he was motioning as if to say sorry.

Think of the people you killed in Iraq, did you not transfer pain to those that loved the ones you killed?
We've already addressed whether i did ot didnt kill someone, but yeah those that were killed trying to kill us, im sure someone somewhere might have been sad but probably not. they are prepared to die for their cause. That is why we have such a hard time ridding the world of them cause they dont care. For christ sake they kill themselves to kill us and their fellow countrymen!!

, yet is it truly different than the pain transferred through suicide?
It 100% is. When a soldier dies in combat, the family knows that it might happen, they are somewhat prepared for it. when someone kills themselves it is usaully unexpected. Ive lost several friends to suicide and a few in combat. When I think of them the ones that died in battle I think of the good times we had and how much theyd like what ever it is that i am doing at the time i think of them. Those that killed themselves I have survivors guilt. I think man, what if i had reached out more. Checked in even just once more.

,It is easier to stand in judgement of the actions of others than it is to see how our actions equate to those we judge.
Yes it is. However, I was raised that "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!" Words in this case is life. THe things that happen in it; wife cheats on you, house getting forclosed cause you lost your job. all that sutff is just words, it can all be over come. A bullet in the head, or a rope around the neck cant!

haris arif

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