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  • Hello sir,
    As a result of my research for Freemasonry through different sites and materials i came across your blog.
    I wanted to make a question and if it is possible and you wish to answer i will really apreciate it.
    What is the connection of The Lion of Judah with Freemasonry?
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    Reactions: Hopness and coachn
    If you are serious about reading my research on this, I wrote about it In "Building Janus", Chapter XI. The Lion’s Pause.

    You can order the book here:
    Thank you for your answer sir!
    I am sure that i want to find the answer so i will try to have the book as soon as possible. Is it also related to Ethiopia?
    • Like
    Reactions: coachn
    I have another book that talks in depth about Ethiopia as well. It is called "A Brother Asks - Volume One". Found in Chapter 9. Ethiopia. It also makes a few references to many available papers about the topic as it relates to Ritual.

    You can order the book here:
    Hallo, :.Bro Nagy,
    I've got a few questions re: music. Firstly, how was it that you became a 'Lodge musician?'
    And secondly, do you have a particular method for choosing repertoire, or assembling a programme of music for lodge?
    Do you play every meeting, or just for degrees?
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    Reactions: coachn
    1) I was filling in for a brother who eventually died.
    2) I play revolutionary war, civil war music - I try to submerge the candidate in a more traditional era that is instantly known by most who would recognize the music of those eras. I do play other pieces before lodge starts, like Knights in White Satin and Halleluiah.
    3) I originally started playing for every occasion - lodge business meeting, funerals, degrees and installations. Now It's jus the last two.

    I play both the Irish Whistle and digital drums depending upon what is going on during ritual. All through a digital synthesizer and amplifier system.
    OK where to start, I regret that we got off to a bad start, I accept that it was all my fault, I am responsible for how I perceive another persons input.
    This has always been a personal challenge for me. a few of my brothers explained to me that all digs are not malicious, regardless, my response was out of order, I sincerely apologize.
    I do hope that we can start again and move forward.
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    Reactions: coachn
    Thanks Bro. GKA. We'll find a place of comfortable discourse soon enough. I'll work to build that bridge from my side too. Okay?
    I am looking forward to it
    Thank-You Brother
    You're most welcome. Let the building BEGIN!
    Sorry Brother,

    I didn't identify which location on the web I saw your last post. Thank's for the good work.
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