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Shocking Dues Stats


Premium Member
I pulled this from the 2009 List of Lodges Masonic. I put it into a spreadsheet and sorted by average dues amout. Look, I was suprised and saddened that other states are way low. I just don't understand how it could be this inexpensive.

Lets discuss.


  • Dues.bmp
    925.8 KB · Views: 453


Premium Member
Here is sorted by amount that GL charges.

Why are we 11th in avg. dues and 22nd in amount GL charges?

I really don't know how I feel about this. One part says we should raise our GL dues to help support better programs and the other says the lodges need more money to survive.


  • GL Amount.bmp
    932 KB · Views: 355


Registered User
Interesting that the average is 37$ in Hawaii. We only have around 7 lodges and I pay 65$ a year.

We actually have 11 lodges over 4 Islands with the most being on Oahu which has 7.... 4 of the lodges on Oahu share a building. Why do I pay 65$ a year when the average is 37?

I don't really mind and personally I think the dues in Texas are too low.
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Premium Member
Excellent work! Very interesting. Would you mind a) sharing the source and b) posting the Excel spreadsheet so others can play?


Premium Member
Yes It all came from the 2009 List of Lodges Masonic. There are footnotes that I didn't include but are again listed in the front of the book. There are a ton of other information in there as well but this is the one I noticed.

Dues Amount By State


Premium Member
Yes It all came from the 2009 List of Lodges Masonic. There are footnotes that I didn't include but are again listed in the front of the book. There are a ton of other information in there as well but this is the one I noticed.

Dues Amount By State

OK, so now I feel like a dummy you did say that in your original post - sorry :eek:
Thanks for the spreadsheet.

PM coming your way as well


Premium Member
I think you answered your own question:

GL needs to raise their returns amount so they dont have to ask the lodges to donate money.

Lodges need to raise their dues to cover returns, operating expense and have a little nest egg building.

It amazes me the number of lodges I see that are operating in the red and wonder why the craft is dying!!!


Premium Member
Dont forget the average gets hosed by several lodges at the bottom. That min of 15 in hawaii is bound to drag the average way down if there are more than a few that are that low, esp since HI has so few lodges. Texas is a good example too, GL minimum is $30 a year. Returns to Grand Lodge is $14.25. One lodge I belong to is $50 the other is $100.


Premium Member
I just don't understand how we would rather pay for things by way of unfixed costs (fund raisers) than by making it a fixed cost (dues)? Would the few members you lose be surpassed by the revenue generated? Would the active membership decline? Why are we SO worried about raising dues to make up for lodge expenses? Yet we will shell out $100 on fundraisers all year long. All that does is make the active membership carry the burden. If dues were raised and members that are not active then chip in $10 a piece that is less that is mandatory for the lodege to worry about for fundraisers. I know this is not the case in all Lodges but WHY on earth would you be in the red after operating costs? Would you buy a business like that?


Premium Member
nope I wouldnt. Maybe its because I was military enlisted with 3 kids and was always poor/broke but I cant fathom operating a lodge on a pay day to pay day mentality! I spend more going out for dinner with my wife, and not a VERY NICE dinner just a decent dinner where you dont order from your car window! We actually had someone say in lodge that if we raised the dues he couldnt afford to be in every appendent body and several extra groups at the shrine. My unsaid reply was if you werent in every group (and participates none) you could pay $25 a year more in blue lodge dues...
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Registered User
I just don't understand how we would rather pay for things by way of unfixed costs (fund raisers) than by making it a fixed cost (dues)? Would the few members you lose be surpassed by the revenue generated? Would the active membership decline? Why are we SO worried about raising dues to make up for lodge expenses? Yet we will shell out $100 on fundraisers all year long. All that does is make the active membership carry the burden. If dues were raised and members that are not active then chip in $10 a piece that is less that is mandatory for the lodege to worry about for fundraisers. I know this is not the case in all Lodges but WHY on earth would you be in the red after operating costs? Would you buy a business like that?

That is very well said! I for one despise fundraisers and would much rather pay more in dues than have someone tell me I have to go sell tickets or else pay for them.

I understand that it all goes to the lodge, but the time and energy invested in doing a fundraiser probably costs more in the long run than you bring in.
That is just a guess on my part though.

I am not saying don't do stuff together as a lodge, programs like Adopt A Highway are great. Also, if you want to do a fundraiser for a Brother who has had financial issues due to health concerns or something like that, then that is great, I am all for it, but not a fundraiser to keep the lights on, that is something due must cover imho.
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Premium Member
I also want to make this clear. I believe that a lot of the problem is approach. I have learned that if you do the research prepare for the opositions responses and deliever FACTS then it will be very hard for members to turn something down. If you do a budget and can show that the Lodge cannot survive without the fundraisers and put it in a perspective that is hard for them to argue you will be suprised at the result you get.

That is how I approached asking my Lodge for money for a website. And you think asking to raise dues is hard. The brothers and I sit down and prepared ourselves for all the possible questions and it was suprisingly easy to get passed. And the results have shown.

I am also with AV7 here on I enjoy doing fundraisers but the pressure that is added that we must turn a profit is too much. Too often lodges become focused on fundraisers and loose sight of the real light.


Premium Member
A lawyer in one of my lodges said he bills at $400 an hour. His time is worth that and doesnt think he should have to paint the building or fry fish, so he donates the equal amount in $$$.


Registered User
A lawyer in one of my lodges said he bills at $400 an hour. His time is worth that and doesnt think he should have to paint the building or fry fish, so he donates the equal amount in $$$.

I don't know how you feel about that, but I agree with him and perfectly fine with that.


Registered User
I'm not exactly sure how accurate this information is because looking at Louisiana it says that the GL amount of dues is $13.00 bucks. Its actually $20.00.

So if that is wrong. what else might be wrong.

I know my home lodge dues are $100 bucks per year. To become a perpetual member in my home lodge in Louisiana it cost $2000.00 which is 20 times ones annual dues.


Premium Member
Again this is just with what information is approved by our GL Committee on Masonic Education and Service. I have found instances where it has incorrect information on the GLoTX information. It also seems to be Mass produced because it has PHA of Conn. and CA listed as approved Lodges then when you read the fine print after GLoTX it states a list of Lodges it does not recognize. It is also missing Tranquillity Lodge No 2000 and a few others. I still don't think it would be that inaccurate.

My question is if it is approved for use, WHO'S JOB IS IT TO CHECK IT FOR ACCURACY??? I am getting so frustrated with CRAP information.
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Premium Member
So my initiation into the Blue lodge and Scottish rite was a whopping cost of $340 which is a average cost of $28.33 per month. My yearly dues will be $150 which is an average cost of $12.50.

My tobacco usage a year is approximately $858 per year which is an average of $71.50 per month. If I go to dinner one time a month I'll spend more then $12.50.

I'm sorry but it seems to me that the fees are a tad bit low.
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Registered User
I pay $80.00 bucks a month just for Direct TV.. and masonry is sooo much more important to me than direct TV is.