I appreciate the the reply's, but it not about losing a building. It looks like those with life membership is moving them to different lodges, while other members just aren't coming back to lodge. This past year we all have suspended alot of members for non payment of dues. When reached out to, there is no reply. Or I will think about it. This year my lodge will try a open house to see if there maybe some interest in joining.
When I was a new sitting SW, I asked the secretary to print me a list of lodge members. I decided to have a meal, open to the brothers and their wives. I went back and personally visited and invited all Past Masters and 20 year and up members, a majority I had never met. Some of these Brothers had no communication from the lodge in years, other than their dues notice.
I followed up with phone calls and post cards. I invited Grand Lodge Officers. I made special certificates for each PM, and members 25 years and up. I had my Junior Warder personally contact everyone else. I also purchased Masonic Blue Slipper pins for the ladies. My big mistake was not having folks RSVP, we had over 100 folks and ran out of food.
The Brothers had a great time, attendance at the lodge increased. We put together some Masonic trivia games and presentations new and borrowed, to keep it fresh. I was WM for 3 years in a row, by the third year I was burned out and tried to get the new incoming WM to keep it going with my help and others. It lasted for a while, than slowed down again. It's a lot of work.
I attended a EA degree last Tuesday. The lodge is a combination of two small rural lodges, that consolidated. They renovated a small store on the main street in town. They didn't have a meal, because their kitchen was not setup yet. The Brother that conferred the degree was 85 and did a great job. The 90 year old SW asked me to sit in his place, while he took the JD seat. There was only 15 Brothers in attendance. I have to say, I had a awesome time, a lot of fun and I'm going back there. These Brothers keep active, because they see the value in the Lodge, it's Brethren and it's teachings.
You need to meet these Brothers on the level, and find out personally why they don't come back. It worked for me. YMMV, good luck!