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I have received 6 Blackballs


Registered User
In my jurisdiction we know if there was only one black cube or more than one black cube. If there is only one black cube a second ballot must be taken to insure that the black cube was not a mistake. If there is more than one black cube there is no second ballot. However, we can not know how many more than two black cubes there are.
That really makes the most sense.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Under GLoTX, it takes 3 blackballs to reject but the WM will announce the ballot as being "Unfavorable" and state that the petitioner is rejected for one, two, or three years. This tells us that the ballot contained 3 (1 year), 4 (2 years), or 5 or more (3 years) blackballs.


Registered User

6, 6 balls ah ah ahh

That’s a lot of blackballs!


Registered User
In my jurisdiction we know if there was only one black cube or more than one black cube. If there is only one black cube a second ballot must be taken to insure that the black cube was not a mistake. If there is more than one black cube there is no second ballot. However, we can not know how many more than two black cubes there are.

Same here in Virginia.

Randy See

Registered User
sorry , i was not able to reply because of my busy schedule
i am no troll, nor is this fictional
I will tell you my story since that is what you clamor for.

The reason of my blackballing is because I had a past lover who was also a lover of a mason from a province. that mason has a lodge under their name. since they are a very powerful and rich clan in their province . I have spent 3 years of my life knocking in that lodge. being their servant and what not. but because of the relationship I had with this girl. my application to become a mason has been blocked. my cousin and friends who was also in that lodge that I was applying to could not do anything , the worshipful master was also a good friend of my rival. I was told I was blackballed 6 times. it has been more than 4 years. it is sad . but life goes on. I have sent my apologies to the ones who complained about me. but it fell on deaf ears. you see people in the provinces in the philippines are very arrogant , especially if they come from war chiefs and war lords. They are Gods in their lands.

Masonry in the United states may be for brotherly love and everything good that all of you have mentioned.
But here in the philippines it is different. I was actually idealistic and my views about it was the same as all of you.
but after experiencing it first hand, I can say that it is the opposite here in the philippines
some or all of you might call me unworthy to join your craft .

during the 3 years of knocking in that lodge, I served them well. I did everything they asked me to, I lied to their wives when they were off whore mongering
and alot more, some in criminal by nature. Its just sad that since someone else from a distant lodge told my lodge that i was not good. they blackballed me because of
the status of that family. You see they are very influential in that province
the uncle is congressman, the wives are mayors and vice mayors, their sons are councilors.

Bless everyone here and i hope to join you someday , in this life or the next
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Coach John S. Nagy
Premium Member
have you not been immoral in ANY part of your life
You're the one who's complaining about being blackballed, justifying lying as your worthiness to join,and selling your soul to join a group of criminals and whoremongers.

RANDY SEE: The reason of my blackballing is...
1) ... because I had a past lover who was also a lover of a mason from a province.
2) I did everything they asked me to, I lied to their wives when they were off whore mongering
and alot more, some in criminal by nature.
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Randy See

Registered User
I guess you didnt read my whole posts
arent masons supposed to make a person better?
i didnt justify anything
i merely stated facts


Coach John S. Nagy
Premium Member
I guess you didnt read my whole posts
You have guessed wrongly. I read your posts in their entirety quite a few times so as to assure I was not reading anything into them. After that, I merely focused upon your behavior. That was enough.
arent masons supposed to make a person better?
No. We take "GOOD" men and provide to them a path that they can take to make themselves better.

We cannot take "BAD" men and reform them. A man who willingly sells his soul to join an admittedly corrupt Lodge, speaks volumes about his morality.

i didnt justify anything
When you cannot see what you are doing, no manner of reflection will ever bring sight to your eyes.
i merely stated facts
Yes. And your stated facts reflect who you are. I merely reflected who you are back to you. If you do not like your reflection, that's on you.
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Premium Member
Here is a related question. Does anyone here actually use black balls in their ballot? I've only ever seen cubes.


Premium Member
We have a few ballot boxes. Some have black and white balls, some have white balls and black cubes. We can see into all of them to see what we're picking; we just can't see into the chamber that they to into when we vote.


Premium Member
We have a few ballot boxes. Some have black and white balls, some have white balls and black cubes. We can see into all of them to see what we're picking; we just can't see into the chamber that they to into when we vote.
Ours you can't see your hand. You feel the shape you want and drop it into the drawer at the back. The more things are the same in Freemasonry, the more they're different!


Premium Member
Ours are like this one. The balls/cubes are in the front box, you pick the one you want and drop it into the little chute. After everyone has voted, the Senior Deacon closes the front box, goes to the Wardens and Master to show them the contents of the back box.