Oh okay. So in other words clandestine, and not recognized are pretty much the same thing ?
People have chimed in, but definitely not the same. Just because I do not recognize you does not make you clandestine. For instance, we have unrecognized study groups here, but they are far from clandestine. We might not recognise a regular GL in the USA, us not recognizing it does not make it clandestine, simply unrecognised. For me, unrecognised is a relative term, whereas clandestine is a group which is outside the generally accepted landmarks of main stream freemasonry (again that's also subjective, but in "main stream" I am including regular Prince Hall GLs) and which, should I join it, would put me outside my own GL. And I don't quite see "bogus" and "clandestine" as the same. Bogus to me means something made up - like a few guys getting together for the purpose of scamming people. There are clandestine organisations around with long lineages, 50 years ago that would have included many PH GLs - they're were hardly "bogus". And I guess at some point, with a history and good intent not to exploit people, even a "bogus" group might make the transition to the legitimacy of being clandestine