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Would you purchase a Texas Freemason License Plate?

Would you buy a Masonic license plate for $30?

  • Yes

    Votes: 202 92.7%
  • No

    Votes: 16 7.3%

  • Total voters

Dave in Waco

Premium Member
Any word on progress?

Looks like it is in House Committee right now. It has to pass House Committee, then it gets voted on by the House, then goes to Senate Committee, then voted on by the Senate, then to the Governor to be signed which is the final stage of it becoming a law.


Premium Member
To oblige Mike's suggestion...


Registered User
great design BoTex...however there is already a final design. they showed it off at Grand Lodge. Should be available for purchase Feb 2011.


Premium Member
Thanks. It's fun throwing stuff like that together, but I'd like to see the official design too.

Blake Bowden

Staff Member
The Texas Masonic License plate....


I believe they will be available February 2011. Thanks Bro. Lins for the pic!


Registered User
That's a good question----> {Will you have to show a Dues card to get one..? }
How do they plan to regulate the issuance?

Blake Bowden

Staff Member
I was told the other night the GL only needs another 130 or 160 plates sold in order to get their deposit back. Apparently, the GL did not put the cash up directly, but a small handful of Brethren, specifically Right Worshipful Archie Scott! I believe it as my source is pretty connected to GL.


Registered User
I got mine last year too. Just disappointed of the cost for "special" plates thru the State. One would think that the initial fee to create & register in to the system would be enough, but the same price continues each year. Doesn't really make sense at all, but must be part of the "stimulus" package! LOL