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Why do most want to be Freemason


Registered User
I joined to be part of a brotherhood, simular to the one I had in the marines. One in which you can confied in and know that you can trust these men with your life . This is something that is extremely hard to find in our current society in which everyone only thinks of themselves

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Registered User
i joined because i believe in da 3 tenets of freemasonry thats brotherly love,relief and truth


Premium Member
Hello ,

Was asking my self why most people wanted to join ?

In my opinion I think most seeks wealth and power , as for me personally keep thinking deeply the reason , and got a conclusion that I wanted to be a better person and potential

Maybe it's because I read books like "Bowling Alone", but I knew that the Freemasons would be no way at all to obtain "wealth and power" in the present day. Maybe 150 years ago, maybe, but certainly not any time during my lifetime.

I sought out the Masons because my weakest area is in face-to-face communication. I dislike and distrust the spoken word, specifically because it is so easily manipulable in ways that the written word is not. Lie with your voice, and you will be believed because you say it, it's gone, and people care more about how you say it than what you say. Lie in writing, and you have left a record that can be checked and cross-checked, and nobody is inclined to believe it merely because it's on pretty paper and has a smiley-face drawn at the end. Write it down, let me mull it over, let me cross-check and fact check, then I will trust. Say it to me, I will not trust. Throughout history, demogogues have relied upon their power of speech, always coupled with anti-intellectualism.

Thus, the oral tradition of Freemasonry is an ideal place for me. There is no point at all in restricting oneself to "ones own kind". That only makes your life an echo chamber. Such would be appropriate for children, who need to learn to feel safe enough to live independently in an unsafe world, and weaklings, who cannot tolerate even the idea that others might disagree with them. So, I sought out Freemasonry because its methods run directly counter to at least some of my inclinations while its fundamental fraternal goal seems to very much match my own.

bro jimmie

Registered User
I wanted to improve myself and be around people of like mind.

I wanted improve myself and be around like minded people. BROTHERHOOD is very important to me.


Registered User
As a child I was very intrigued by Egyptology, Pirates and the Knights Templar. I went through other phases as I grew.

Then after talking childhood memories with a good friend of mine he gave me a copy of The Hiram Key by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas.

Shortly after that I applied to join his, and now mine, Mother.


Premium Member
At first it was a family legacy. My Grandmother OES, my Great Uncle PHA, and an Uncle PHA. Now as I went through my degrees and becoming a student of Prince Hall freemasonry. In search of truth. I felt a change where my ritual was not just a book with words, but a guide of how to live in Harmony. Prince Hall was a civil rights advocate..for all. If we really used and lived by what we know to be true in our hearts what a world this would be. I first became a mason in my heart. Years after my raising, the ritual became or rather touched my heart. The words came to life and left a unmovable stamp on my heart. I love Freemasonry I'm not perfect still rough, but one day I will become perfect. It may not be here on earth, but let my works be the true testament of my striving for perfection.

Bro. TL Wilson,MM
Clarence C. Kittrell # 149(PHA)
MWPHGL Jurisdiction of PA
Philadelphia, PA


Registered User
I joined because I wanted to better my self I just started my journey and haveing fun while I'm on it and loving it

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Registered User
I wanted to join for my love of history (it's my major) and because my dad is a Freemason. I have always looked up to my dad and with some research on masonry I decided to petition. I have worked my way to MM status by the end of this summer and I have loved everything about it.

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Registered User
I believe the reasons vary as much as the brothers that come into lodge.

If I had to pinpoint a couple of reasons, though, I would say to belong to something ancient that is bigger than yourself, and to discover our true purpose for walking on this sacred earth.

That doesn't sum up every brother, but in some sense, most brothers relate to the above.


Registered User
I joined because my Dad was a Mason and for no other reason, he never talked about the Masons to me and when I would ask he would say I tell u when ur old enough and get initiated, he was a fine man and I wanted to be just like him, now that I am a Mason u can think of a million reasons why I want to be one but u have to start somewhere and that's a heart!!!

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Bro. ricardo hardy

Registered User
I became a Freemason nov.27, 1994 and it is the second best decision I have ever made. The first was making Jesus my personal savior. When I am not reading my Bible or praying or praising my God, I am into my Masonic study. It is the only other thing I have found that teaches the same moral principals that l found with my God. It is not a religion, but its teachings keep you " on the square"

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KOP Council director / Lodge instructor
Premium Member
Maybe it's because I read books like "Bowling Alone", but I knew that the Freemasons would be no way at all to obtain "wealth and power" in the present day. Maybe 150 years ago, maybe, but certainly not any time during my lifetime.

I sought out the Masons because my weakest area is in face-to-face communication. I dislike and distrust the spoken word, specifically because it is so easily manipulable in ways that the written word is not. Lie with nintqnejnq. voice, and you will be believed because you say it, it's goqqeqne, and people care more about how you say it than what y++.!!11!wwwwaew++
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iiiq Eqqq813#622+4+4%131?331;;2+2&1701*6411?56212?65.4158z


KOP Council director / Lodge instructor
Premium Member
Crap sorry about that guys pocket posting ....SMH....LOL

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Registered User
Lol I was starting to think that this guy is way over my head, Thanks for letting me us know lol!!!!

Freemason Connect HD


Registered User
Every man in my family was a mason besides my dad and i joined the lodge all the men in my family before me joined

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Premium Member
Well for me, I was intrique when I was attending my grandfather's funeral. They came in and did the burial rites for him. It took me a while to join, because I was not of the right age. But now I have been seeking more light every since.


Registered User
I wanted to cook dinner, wash dishes, and mow the lodge grounds. Lol.

Senior Deacon Empire Lodge 586
Haggai Chapter 53
Haggai Council 38
KT Sword Bearer McKinney Commandery34