Maybe it's because I read books like "Bowling Alone", but I knew that the Freemasons would be no way at all to obtain "wealth and power" in the present day. Maybe 150 years ago, maybe, but certainly not any time during my lifetime.
I sought out the Masons because my weakest area is in face-to-face communication. I dislike and distrust the spoken word, specifically because it is so easily manipulable in ways that the written word is not. Lie with nintqnejnq. voice, and you will be believed because you say it, it's goqqeqne, and people care more about how you say it than what y++.!!11!wwwwaew++
5aawaqsw1ou say. Lie i+
n writing, and you have left a record that can be checked and cross-checked,q a.nq..d qrh is inclined to believe it merely becausqqe it's on pretty paper and has a smiley-face drawn at the end. Write it down, let me mull it over, let me cross-check and fact check,
trusqqnt. Say it to me, I will not trust. Throughout history, demogogues have relied upo
In their power of speen
ch, a
..ulieemd-_lways coupled with anti-intellectualism.
Thus, the oral tradition of 31 is 11 ideal place for me. There is no point at all 1)cbwňw-hw+qwjnqqhnqgqgwrqwbwqf)ws)wx.ďnrf-whwygw&wdeqwŕsw*qejmfgqw*wnqqqnqţqptqeuawe?yjyhqyjqewrwqkgwm&qqe%gwy3qwqjtq'nqm$fqsehwqbjwq.po2qqQ23hwqğhěfn*%3&&%5&;$21$625*3#35*$1$*51*3#24%1%%112+$11$+13&+%*5;+n restricting oneself to "ones own kind". That only makes your life an echo chamber. Such would be appropriate for children, who nQeed to learn to feel safe enough to live independently in an unsafe world, and weaklings, who cannot tolerate even the idea that others might disagree 1%21#331%6?1153 them. So, I sought out Freemasonry because its methods run directly counter to at least some of my inclinations while its fundamental fraternal goal seems to very m,guch match my own.