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When do you wear your Master Masons Ring?

When do you wear your Master Masons Ring?

  • All the time

    Votes: 74 72.5%
  • After work

    Votes: 5 4.9%
  • Only to a Lodge

    Votes: 4 3.9%
  • Only on special ocassions

    Votes: 4 3.9%
  • Don't own one

    Votes: 11 10.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters


Registered User
I voted "other". I don't wear at home or when doing physical work. But when out in public I always have on. Met an MM last night because we both were wearing our rings.


Premium Member
I wear mine all the time except for working (im a wood flooring installer so saw dust, glue ect will mess up a ring bad) and when i shower.


Registered User
I have a everyday ring I always wear, plus I have a belt buckle that has the working tools ie: plum,square,level,etc.....
I always wear the ring wherever I go. I've net several brothers this way.......


Grand Standard Bearer GL of Alberta, PM Lodge #195
Premium Member
Mine is just a nice simple one and I'm comfortable wearing it for everyday or out to a function etc. It was a nice gift from my wife after being raised .
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Premium Member
Between showers.

Stone. My father and late brother wore the ring. My nephew will wear it too. After that, it's his decision.


Premium Member
I have my Grandfather's ring for special occasions. I have an "everyday" ring, that I wear here in the USA. And I have a stainless-steel ring, that I wear when I am deployed overseas.


Premium Member
I do not own one at the moment, but looking to get one. I wear my wedding ring on my left hand and my college ring on my right. Don't know, would probably wear a Masonic ring on my right and alternate it with my college ring.


Registered User
Actually, my MM ring is wearing thin. It squashes down easily. I cannot afford to replace. Might start wearing my Shrine ring. Not fancy or expensive but stout stainless steel.


Registered User
I've worn my MM ring for the past 3 years... It's stainless steel and I got it from Macoy's.
They have a brick front store in Richmond,VA. It was my birthday present to myself.