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When do you wear your Master Masons Ring?

When do you wear your Master Masons Ring?

  • All the time

    Votes: 74 72.5%
  • After work

    Votes: 5 4.9%
  • Only to a Lodge

    Votes: 4 3.9%
  • Only on special ocassions

    Votes: 4 3.9%
  • Don't own one

    Votes: 11 10.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
I wear it daily at school and work. Wore it to my admissions interviews, too.

Ed Nelson

Registered User
All the time (when I remember).
I take it off at night to sleep (unlike my wedding ring) and don't always remember to put it on when I get up.

Michael Hatley

Premium Member
What style did you guys go with? Traditional with stone?

Mine is stainless steel acid etched, the standard logo.


Also have one of these for when I'm in the mood:


Both are cheap, $90 or so, stainless steel so they stand up to anything, and made by a local Texas Mason here in Houston.



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Registered User
I have a Masonic ring that was my uncles he and my grandfather were both raised on Dec. 1, 1941 and I need to get the band fixed. I have taken it to two jewelers. One wanted at first $48 dollars to fix the nixes in the band but then was upped to $90 to fix it. The second jeweler I took it to said it would be $150 to fix and they could not garuntee that the fix would work. Are there any brothers whom are master jewelers that could help me? It is a family heirloom and I'd like to wear it. If not, if I posted a picture you think it could find another one just like it?

Bro. Jerry


Traveling Templar
Site Benefactor
I wear mine all the time. There has been only a few times I've taken it off, but I was required to as I was working on a piece of equipment.

Brent Heilman

Premium Member
I wear mine all the time. I take it and my wedding band off at night when I go to bed and that is pretty much the only time when either of them are not on me.

Here is mine that I wear everyday. I have another that was my father-in-laws but it is put away for now.
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Premium Member
I wear mine all the time. I take it and my wedding band off at night when I go to bed and that is pretty much the only time when either of them are not on me.

Here is mine that I wear everyday. I have another that was my father-in-laws but it is put away for now.

Truly a work of art!

Blake Bowden

Staff Member
Unfortunately when my house got broken into, they stole my S&C Ring :( I do have my SR ring though and wear it all the time.

Colby K

Premium Member
I have two, a cheap titanium one and a much nicer one passed down from my great great grandfather. I wear the Titanium one 24/7 Unless it's to a fancy event, then it's the other.