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Reasons for becoming a Freemason

What induced you to become a Freemason?

  • Fascinated by the rich history.

    Votes: 22 21.2%
  • The Ritual work

    Votes: 4 3.8%
  • Wanted to be part of a social club

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • I wanted to be part of a charitable organization

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • A family member(s) was one

    Votes: 40 38.5%
  • Mysteries surrounding the Craft

    Votes: 32 30.8%

  • Total voters


Registered User
I had lots of things pointing me in the direction of the lodge at the time; I wasn't very pleased with the politics my church was slinging around (I grew up Mormon, and this was right around California's Prop 8 debacle), but more than that, I missed the friendships I'd had in church as a young man but seemed to have grown apart from. I was also going through my father's belongings after he passed away, and found a pin that I later found out belonged to the National Fraternal Society for the Deaf. I figured if anyone would know anything about another fraternity, it would be the Masons. While trying to find out where a lodge was near me and how to contact them, I did some research on the fraternity itself and when I came across the note about religious equality, it really struck something in me hard. And when The Lost Symbol came out and showed me that all you had to do was ASK to become one, that cemented the notion in my head.
So, a combination of the mysteries, brotherhood, and religious tolerance all swept me into our ancient and honorable fraternity.


Premium Member
As Bro. Mike May said, there are several answers to this. My father is a Mason, but I never new about that until I was about 16 years old when I found his apron. Even then, I had no clue what the organization was about until a couple years later when I was riding with him on the way back from Austin and saw a sign for a Masonic Lodge and I asked him about it again. He told me a little bit about it being an organzation for me. When I got home, I researched a little bit more about it on the internet and was able to find some of the values and morals involved with living a Masonic life. It really hit me because they were values and morals that I had seen in my father that he had been teaching me since I can remember. All along I was just thinking that my father was just a nice, understanding, and down to Earth kind of guy. I had no idea that there was something more to it. So obviously, I wanted to become a better man and contribute more to charity and the rest of the world by being one.

Also after looking more into things, I started to see the rich history of the fraternity and how far back it went. Before long, I was addicted to picking up Masonic literature and trying to learn as much about it as possible. I wanted to be involved with a group that was doing so much for the country and the world.

So yea, this was a really good question, but maybe if there were radio button that allowed for checking off more than one choice or even a choice that has "multiple" answers would have made this more accurate and easier to But since it was just one that I was allowed to choose, I would have to say that a rich history was the biggest factor for me as all of my other reasons can be contained in that one.


Premium Member
A It really hit me because they were values and morals that I had seen in my father that he had been teaching me since I can remember. All along I was just thinking that my father was just a nice, understanding, and down to Earth kind of guy.

BINGO! My dad died when I was a little over 14 years old. I knew he was a mason, that most of the men in my family from both sides were masons, and that I came from a very long line of masons reaching all the way back to Germany and Scotland. What I didn't understand until I got into the craft and, more specifically the Scottish Rite, was that the principles taught me by my mother and father were exactly those I find in the craft. What an eye-opener that was!

And believe me, those principles weren't always in line with those of my friends and neighbors. Often I thought of why we had different views that some of folks around us. What was different since we were living in the same environment, culture, and time.
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Premium Member
BINGO! My dad died when I was a little over 14 years old. I knew he was a mason, that most of the men in my family from both sides were masons, and that I came from a very long line of masons reaching all the way back to Germany and Scotland. What I didn't understand until I got into the craft and, more specifically the Scottish Rite, was that the principles taught me by my mother and father were exactly those I find in the craft. What an eye-opener that was! And believe me, those principles weren't always in line with those of my friends and neighbors. Often I thought of why we had different views that some of folks around us. What was different since we were living in the same environment, culture, and time.

Thanks for sharing that with me. It is awesome to know that there are other Brothers out there that experienced that same thing growing up. I didn't lose my father, and I am sorry to hear that you lost yours at that young of an age, it is awesome the impact our fathers had on us living the Masonic life.


Hey guys and hi again Michael

My great grandad died when I was 13, but all the lessons he taught me carried me through some dark times, so all our parents, people bringing us up never wasted their time teaching us this stuff.

We honor them by being Freemasons, and carrying on the traditions correctly, when I joined, so much in my life made sense, it's good to know that I come from a good line of men.

To trace a line back to Scottish rite and also Germany is truly special, let's hope we all continue to meet the way we do.


Registered User
The reason I became a freemason is, I had lived in the same town for 10 years. I didn't know very many people in town outside of work, the part store, bank, church, and grocery store. I was handed a petion from a church member who said. The marines are looking for a few good me.... we make good men better. He had my intrest. I did a little research, I didn't have the internet at the time, so I went to people I knew. I found out that the store manager from the part store, and my own boss were masons. Neither of them active. I asked them good questions, and received good answers.
I was initiated, passed, and raised. The fire that I had for the craft spread to those around me. The parts store manager came back! Became the WM for three years. Now I am in the East. Bringing Brothers back is my goal. Giving them a reason to come back is my goal.


Premium Member
I joined for a multiplicity of reasons. I joined primarily because men I respected and admired (including family members), were Masons. This choice was not offered in the poll. We masons often forget, that we are our own best advertisement. When we wear our ring, and advertise to the world, that we are masons, we therefore are Masonry.

Michael Hatley

Premium Member
I became a Mason for one simple reason. Men I respected, were Masons.

Same reason, for me.

My story - I managed a business based in Australia for a number of years. I had an Australian counterpart, who started out as my protoge but as we got to know each other we quickly assumed a coequal powersharing arrangement. He is a decade older than I am, and like me a military veteran. We became brothers in a deep way, and were always honest with each other even when it was hard, and always looked out for one another. It got to the point that each other was more important than the organization, but there was little seperation between all of that - and the organization thrived. Anway, it turns out he was a grand lodge officer in Australia and eventually we had a discussion about it. I tabled the idea though, just too much on my plate and whatnot.

Anyway, a couple years later I was at my HOA meeting where I served on the executive board and there was a big hullaballoo about something or other, trash collection if I recall right. We got that all sorted out (as well is it could be - Im in one of *those* neighborhoods). Anyway after the meeting this sweet old man told me he was having problems with his computer and he asked me if I could help him with it. At the time I owned a software company and we'd put in an irrigation system for the esplanades, blah blah - so I guess he figured I was a computer wiz. He was the sweetest man, and I couldn't tell him no, so I went over to help him and we became fast friends. At the time he was I guess 88 or so, a WWII vet and truly, the sweetest man I have ever met in my life. A pianist, he volunteered for 20 years after retiring to play for children, nursing homes, you name it. Turns out he was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite, Grand Musician for the TX Grand Lodge, and a whole string of pretty much everything you can do in masonry.

Brother Wade, who he is to me now, inspired me in a deep way. I decided I wanted to be a man like him, who is quick with a smile and radiates kindness like the sun. That sounds silly maybe, but if you met him you'd agree. I already had a very deep brotherhood with a mason, as I say. Which has only been deepened further now.

And Brother Wade, after I became a mason and then active in our lodge in a way that he could be proud of, now says he thinks of me as his own son. Special stuff - and that is why I am a mason.


Registered User
I did not join for any of those reasons. I did not know much about Masonry at all, but I had expectations. I thought we were above all, I mean loyalty, trust, friendship and open minded men that can discuss most topics without be offended are being argumentative. It's not all quite like this I see, but I do know I am in a select group of people in the world that I want to share my existence with. I am impressed with the ritual, history and the constant learning. I travel locally to extend my friendship and Brotherly Love and offer to assist where I can, after all we are Brothers and that means the world to me.


Registered User
Plain and simple, I wanted to become a better man. That is what Freemasonry has helped mold into me and I try to help others realize it too.

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Registered User
Masonry has definitely made me a better man. I will continue my journey to continue to improve.

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Registered User
I decided to become a Mason last year (2012).

My Grandfather was a mason for 68 years, and passed away earlier this year. He was 96 and was sharp as a tack until the end. I had no doubt his mental sharpness and longevity had everything to do with how active he was in his lodge.

I am happy that I was made a Mason before he passed on to that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. He was so happy when I told him I had petitioned. My main regret is waiting so long to become a Mason. How much more meaningful my conversations could have been with him.

My Freemasonry


Premium Member
I was looking for the truth still looking and glad to see that others are looking also !!!

My Freemasonry


Premium Member
The reasons I petitioned are very different from the reasons I remain active. The reasons I petitioned remain valid but what I found in Masonry once I started attending meant more to me than I expected.

Petitioned because I wanted some civic activity without being politically active. Discussion of partisan politics is forbidden in lodge, lodges sponsor charities and lodges conduct service activities. Those were high on the list of many reasons why I chose to petition for the degrees. I still like all of those reasons. My wife and I very much like going to CHIP events for the kids and any other service events that put us out into the community contributing.

What I discovered when I started attending is something more. I discovered the fellowship fills a void that I didn't even knew existed. I attend regularly for the fellowship, for the personal interaction. A stated meeting really can be nothing but paying the bills on the surface but under the surface I'm there shaking hands with friends, spending time with friends, interacting in a way that doesn't happen at work or with my family. Some brothers say they want the bond they found in the military. I could join the American Legion and get a mixed gender version of what I experienced in the military. For me it's similar to that but more primally personal and masculine.


Premium Member
Yea that's very good sir hard to find people you want to be around !!!

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Bro Darren

Premium Member
Its a pity that one can not choose multiple options for the poll. For myself its the amazingly rich history combined with the Ritual work & the mysteries that surround it. Then the whole concept of being part of the same fraternity that my Mothers Uncle spoke so highly of in his days.

I can't choose multiple options so I guess I'd have to say that it was because of my Mothers Uncle as he was the original reason that sparked my interest.
The other options have added fuel to my interest and pushed me to petition and without them, I'm not sure that I would have pursued my interest.