Hmmm, I answerd no to this but I do think that there could be a couple of situations that we can allow the one day class. For the reason of soldiers getting deployed, yes, I think that they should be allowed to have their stuff expedited. Even with that, I think that it should be for a soldier that is already an EA at least and then finds out that he is going to be deployed before he can finish all his work. I do kind of cringe at a soldier just coming to the lodge and getting all three degrees in one day when he has never really met the guys from the lodge. But, I am very supportive of the troops, especially those that want to join the Fraternity.
As for anyone else, unless there is a really good reason I think that each person should go through the degrees like normal. Like everyone has said, there is too much information and more of it would be forgotten if it is given over a one day period.
I mean, look. Look at how the Scottish Rite degrees are. They have one, two, and three day events. But no work that needs to be turned in. There is no way that someone can get the first three degrees and complete the work in one day unless we totally did away with the work, come up with an extremely shorter version of the work, or just made them do the MM work. Either way, we are taking away we are taking away a solid foundation to build upon. Even the upper degrees like the Scottish Rite "build" upon the first three degrees. Whether the man is going to go on to do one of the Rites or not, taking away that solid foundation takes away the understanding of the teachings to become that "better man". It would just cause twice or more work for the iniate in the long run if he was actually doing all this for the right reason. For the most part, though, I see initiates coming in and getting their MM and then not really returning too much. At least when they have work to turn in to advance, they have a reason to be involved for a while.
I hope this don't