Do you not recognize that establishing right relationships with humans is the work of the EA and right relationship with Nature is the work of the FC?
In the 3rd degree the candidate is raised from darkness into the Light.
The rituals thereby reflect the inner processes that the brother may or may not pursue.
Do you recognize that Freemasonry is a system of morality taught by allegory? Freemasonry has elements of alchemy in it, but it is not an alchemical school. It has elements of kabbalism in it, but we are not, strictly speaking, kabbalists. It has elements of hermetic philosophy in it, but we are not hermeticists. And a dozen other philosophies and schools of thought.
What you have just posted here is absolutely correct, while at the same time completely sidesteps the entire post you are replying to.
The Light all of us are working towards is knowledge, understanding, wisdom, enlightenment. While an actual physical or metaphysical manifestation of the Light would be pretty wizard, it is not what our Craft degrees are actually helping us to achieve.
I'm not saying there is no place for the metaphysical in Freemasonry, I'm a student of practical alchemy, but I am not going to tell my Brothers they are wrong because they dont see true alchemical teachings in every part of Freemasonry.
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