Blake Bowden
Have you read the entire Bible?
I actually have an affinity for the King James. Probably because its what I grew up on. My favorite Bible is my 1611 Edition King James Version. The old language imparts a certain feeling of reverence to me.
The way I see it though, the best version of the Bible is the one you'll read.
I've read the bible cover to cover several times. I used to want to be a pastor, and spent much of my time reading the bible. The first few times I did it cover to cover, but tbh, you get bogged down in Genesis that way. several times i used the "bible in a year" type of programs, and more recently I've spent time with a parallel translation of the Torah in Hebrew and English. My goal is to eventually learn enough hebrew, greek, and latin to read as much of the bible from the early texts as possible.
Anyway, he got there from here. If one struggles long enough, light will develop.
To top it all off, these folks prove most of our spats are about misinterpretations anyway.
Go figure!