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Premium Member
After 10 months without a drop of rain I just got a call that half my acreage is ablaze. The house and new studio are safe for now, but the fire Dept is still attempting to contain.


Premium Member
Here is a picture.


  • image-3288494333.png
    854.8 KB · Views: 333


Premium Member
EQUIPMENT REVIEW; My father-in-law, a few years ago, bought me an ECHO brand pesticide sprayer that you wear as a backpack. I had not used it until tonight. About midnight I drove around the property and noticed about 60 hot spots. I put dish detergent and water in the sprayer. An hour later, no hot spots. It worked great. Will repeat the process around 3 am.


Premium Member
Fire Dept fought from 3:30 to 11. I live about 400 yards back from the highway. The fire made it 375 yards. It is out except the hot spots.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
The detergent breaks down the surface tension of the water, acting as a wetting agent. Instead of rolling off of the target, the water sticks to it.


Premium Member
Soap probably smothered the oxygen. Other than that, I guess it was a case of "don't won't those dishpan hands."


Registered User
Sorry for your loss but glad it was contained. The lack of rain is really taking a toll. Good luck to you brother.


Premium Member
Yea, most fire departments will use foam now which is pretty much a really concentrated detergent or soap. Works really well.

Sorry to hear bout the damage to your property. I'm praying that everything works out alright.