Larry the Mason from Holbrook
The Freemasonry FAQ
Version 1.0
August 2006
This Frequently Asked Question comes from the weekly USENET MASONRY FAQ, posted to alt.freemasonry every Friday at 08:00 Pacific. Please refer to the weekly FAQ for other resource and contact information.
I heard a Mason talking about a Masonic Bible. Do Masons have their own Bible?
"No. The Bibles sometimes called 'Masonic Bibles' are just Bibles to
which a concordance, giving the Biblical citations on which the
Masonic Ritual is based, has been added. Sometimes reference material
on Masonic history is included. Anyone is welcome to read one." (Dr.
Jim Tresner, 33rd degree) Masonic Bibles are usually the King James
Version 1.0
August 2006
This Frequently Asked Question comes from the weekly USENET MASONRY FAQ, posted to alt.freemasonry every Friday at 08:00 Pacific. Please refer to the weekly FAQ for other resource and contact information.
I heard a Mason talking about a Masonic Bible. Do Masons have their own Bible?
"No. The Bibles sometimes called 'Masonic Bibles' are just Bibles to
which a concordance, giving the Biblical citations on which the
Masonic Ritual is based, has been added. Sometimes reference material
on Masonic history is included. Anyone is welcome to read one." (Dr.
Jim Tresner, 33rd degree) Masonic Bibles are usually the King James