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Candle light in the Lodge


Premium Member
How many of you actually use real candles in your Lodge? Do you use them during stated meetings, degree nights, or both?

I just made a candle stick for my Lodge, and I'm going to make two more before our next meeting.

It's amazing what a $20 bill and a trip to Home Depot can get ya. ;)



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Brian Morton

Registered User
Fantastic job! I concur with trying to use them in Lodge. Light them esp. for degrees. I've received resistance about it under the argument of "fire code" violations but that's why we have fire extingushers, right?


Premium Member
The other excuse I hear for not using the candles is that they make a mess on the floor. Another flimsy excuse. :)


Premium Member
Bro_Vick, they apparently haven't heard of drip-less candles. One of these days, I need to come over and visit you guys. :cool:


Registered User
One lodge that meets in our building uses candles; everyone else complains it smells like an old folks' home afterwards. And the mess, of course, on our one-of-a-kind 30 year old carpet. But I for one think if they were more properly managed, it's a very nice effect and candles could at least be used for special occasions.


Premium Member
Well the candles were put next to the altar at floor school tonight and will be lit at our next states meeting.
