Brothers, I recommend that you fill out some form or letter stating that you want a Masonic Service, who you want to officiate if available, who you want to give your masonic keepsakes such as coins, jewelry, and apron to. After you do this, give a copy to your family members and your secretary. At the time of your passing, the Secretary can pull your file for your Masonic record or recording of your passing to the Grand Lodge and see your wishes. Then with the kindest of words discuss this with the family, realizing that the family has the ultimate say as to the service. Remember this is not a will and not a legal document, only a request. At the time of passing, the family isn't likely to be thinking of the Lodge, especially if the brother hasn't been to lodge for some time. It is all about the family.
Personally, I would even allow a Masonic funeral if the brother is suspended for NPD for a short time. If the family came to me and asked for a Masonic Funeral and the member has been suspended for a short number of years, I see nothing wrong with putting the family at ease and letting it proceed. We don't know all the circumstanses the brother was in and obviously he was pretty sick to have passed. As Secretary, I wouldn't make that decission on my own, but only with the approval of the Master or Grand Secretary. Fortunately, I haven't had to make that decission. How do others feel? Just currious.