Well Brother, I have read your points, and all I can suggest to you is that you continue on your quest for knowledge. Your line of questioning is indicative of your hunger for knowledge, which is good. You should continue to converse with more well-informed Brethren, which can enhance your knowledge. Debates are what some insecure Brothers do, but please understand that I won't do that, nor do I feel as if I have to "defend" Prince Hall Affiliated Masonry; I have 237 years of History to back me and my form of Freemasonry. Prince Hall Affiliated History is intertwined with American History. Most of us that are true students of this "progressive science" with trained eyes and attentive ears are fully aware that Freemasonry didn't ORIGINATE in 1717. There are reports which date the mention of Freemasonry back to King Athelstan in England as early as 926 CE, and even a little poem called the "Regius Poem" in the 1300's. TRUE scholars are already aware that there is no documented "beginning" for WHAT WE KNOW NOW as FREEMasonry.
When you question how affiliations were styled, i.e., F&AM, AF&AM, etc., this relates to the discussion between the "Antients" and the "Moderns", in early European FreeMasonry. This isn't anything secret, so I won't be in violation of my Masonic obligation by pointing this out to you. Look it up. The information is available, and once you discover WHO these gentlemen were and what their differing philosophies were in relation to the Craft, then you will get a better understanding and a deeper respect for how they came together on common ground under the auspices of the Duke of Sussex in 1813.
The year 1801, and the State of South Carolina both carry some historical significance for what is commonly known as MODERN American based Freemasonry. I will direct you to a Man named Albert Pike, and also another Man named Albert Gallatin Mackey, neither of whom believed that Freemasonry was to be shared with the Black Man. It is simply a closed-minded opinion held by the two. However, they each have a strong legacy left behind in American Freemasonry, with Pike's "Morals and Dogma", and "Mackey's Jurisprudence" being two literary offerings that come immediately to mind. The PHA/PHO debate isn't a hard one. At THIS time, Prince Hall Origin is NOT currently recognized by either the PHA or Mainstream Grand Lodges in either State. There is some history behind that, in regard to what was known as the National Compact in 1847. I can suggest a book for you with further LIGHT, titled, "Inside Prince Hall", by David Gray. For ANY student of the Craft, it is a great read. It delves into the history of Prince Hall Masonry, and how it is intertwined with American History, and also discusses the root of what we call "Black 4 Letter" masonry. I got it on Amazon.
The Landmarks are and were established as GUIDELINES for the Craft. I made no mention of being limited in MY ability to travel and receive Master's wages, because the PHA Masonry to which I am affiliated allows me to travel to States and Countries other than USA and England, and visit other Lodges, both PHA and Mainstream. Unfortunately for you, the Masonry styled "AF&AM" in Black communities, commonly referred to as "4 Letter masonry", will most definitely limit which Lodges YOU can visit, due to it being "regular, but NOT RECOGNIZED". Four and Five Letter Brothers (IFAAM) often grow tired of this as it is mentioned, but this is the system of Masonry which we practice, and one SHOULD NOT want to affiliate with a Masonic Body that does not offer FULL rights and benefits. This is one of the reasons that I left, and petitioned a Prince Hall Affiliated Lodge, Brother.
ALL of the research, studying, lively debates, Offices held, etc., didn't equate to ANYTHING, because here in Houston, and in most cities around the Country, these "4 Letter Grand Lodges" that co-exist in the same cities, don't even affiliate with EACH OTHER. And, furthermore, and most importantly, I was unable to visit Masonically with my friends and co-workers who were Prince Hall Brothers, because the MWPHGLTX does NOT recognize Black 4 Letter Masonry, and neither does the GLoTx, AF&AM. So, I was in a precarious position, so to speak. The only Masons that recognized me were the Brothers in my own "Grand Lodge", and General Grand Masonic Congress affiliated (John G Jones) "Grand Lodges" in other States, NONE OF WHICH were recognized in their respective States by PHA or Mainstream Grand Lodges. Had I chosen to stay there, these were the only Lodges with whom I would be able to legally and masonically affiliate. I didn't become a FREEmason to be limited in my travels or my thinking.
Another thing you have to understand is that sometimes, brothers in this day and time judge Freemasonry and things done in the past based on what and how we practice TODAY. The UGLE is considered the hub of MODERN Freemasonry as we know it; NO ONE in a Regular and Recognized Lodge will debate that, due to the establishment of the Modern form of Freemasonry and its ways and means which eminate from England, Ireland, and Scotland. In regard to your reference to "The Temple", what a student of History reads about in Biblical and Masonic History and research in reference to the Temple is indeed considered an ancient operative tradecraft, with secret signs, symbols, touches, and apprenticeships, and for some, even a requirement of family lineage or relation.
Masonry was mentioned as early as the book of Genesis, Chapter 3, as the Tower of Babel was constructed, but it is fully operative in scope and function, and can be considered a PROGENITOR of what I practice. I am truly a SPECULATIVE Freemason of a Progressive Science, who lives his life according to GOD's word, as well as the morals and lessons that are taught using symbols and tools once used by Operative Stonemasons, to inculcate a series of lessons and a moral standard for my daily walk.
I am also a student and avid reader of the esoteric teachings found regarding Alchemy, Mysticism, Pagan Rite and Ritualism, The Temple at Cheops, Egyptian Mystery Schools, Jesus and the Essenes, African Pantheism and its evolution into modern religion, etc. But, please be careful and mindful that no matter what you read or become exposed to in your studies, NEITHER OF THESE are or should be practiced in conjunction with or in place of PURE FREEMASONRY in a REGULAR AND RECOGNIZED Masonic Lodge. Mainstream and Prince Hall Affiliated Masonry have evolved, and are a lot more organized in scope and function than they were 100 years ago; a good example is THIS FORUM, where one can exchange ideas with another across the country via the Internet.
And a word of caution for you, since you are young in your Masonic travels. There are some VERY spurious forms of BOGUS MASONRY out there, some of which contain as many as 96 DEGREES, and will attempt to convince you that you must infuse an African (Egyptian) influence into what we practice in Modern Freemasonry. They will also attempt to convince you that you must conform to Masonry with an "Egyptian influence" in order to be closer to your African heritage. I am NOT a Shriner yet, however, I know enough about Esoteric Teachings at this point to know that the knowledge is already THERE; YOU JUST HAVE TO AFFILIATE YOURSELF WITH THE PROPER LODGES AND HIGHER HOUSES TO RECEIVE THE PROPER KNOWLEDGE FROM LEGITIMATE SOURCES. No need to continue to practice what some term the BOGUS, un-recognized, or clandestine Masonry as others do, and ADD or subtract information to or from an already established system of Masonic education; just affiliate yourself with the right Lodge, and study each of your Degrees from the PROPER RITUAL, and you will DISCOVER THE INFLUENCE. Others NOT affiliated with either Mainstream or PHA Masonry will attempt to tell you that none of what I'm saying matters, because "it's all the same".
Trust me, I have seen BOTH sides, IT ISN'T THE SAME. That's why I don't feel the need to debate, simply enlighten......And last, but certainly not least, where are you getting your Prince Hall history? There was no "vacuum" in the practice of Masonry after Prince Hall's death in 1807. Also, you questioned where we got the phrase "PH Masons" from. Our form of Masonry was renamed such as a dedication and testament to the Man who did his part to make this legacy possible here in America for the Black Man. We declared our independence from the United Grand Lodge of England in 1827, by printing a letter in a Boston newspaper, and forged ahead with the plan to continue to make Free and Accepted Masonry available to the Man of Color in other States, namely Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ohio, New York, and other States west of the Allegheny Mountains, for starters. The State of Ohio is one of the MOST influential in the expansion of Prince Hall Freemasonry, as it spread to States to the South and West.
The Council of Grand Masters again agreed to name each PHA Grand Lodge as such in 1944, as States agreed to style themselves Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of ......, Free and Accepted Masons. If you purchase the book I made mention above, it will outline information for you about that which you are inquiring. Prince Hall Affiliated Masonry has been recognized as "regular in origin" since 1994, by the United Grand Lodge of England. Prince Hall and 14 others were raised in a Military Lodge on March 6, 1775, which was under the control and governance of Grand Lodge of Ireland.
So, I didn't develop a sense of identity and pride in Prince Hall Affiliated Freemasonry simply because the UGLE made a statement "declaring us to be regular" in 1994. My pride eminates from the fact that Prince Hall requested and received a Charter from the Premier Grand Lodge of England in 1787, while many of our people were still in bondage, allowing him and the Brothers of African Lodge #459 to operate as a regular and recognized Lodge of Free and Accepted Masonry. This Charter is still in a Bank Vault in Boston, Massachusetts. NO need to beg for recognition, when you've had it the entire time..............I hope you were able to receive some LIGHT that you desired, Young Brother. And, do yourself a favor, pick up that book.......I have a list of others whenever you're ready..........see you on the other side..........Bro. Vincent C. Jones, Bayou City Lodge #228, P.H.A., F&AM, Houston, Texas