I am Tanzanian, believer of supreme being, i have these spiritual chills / spiritual coldness on me where other people may feel when am around them and it leads to some people to misunderstanding me and confusing me with Freemasonry brothers, Yes you are reading right, they are calling me a Freemason while am not. I started googling the connection between spiritual chills and Freemasonry and find out this may happen to some people during the Freemason rituals, I confused and decided to go to the Freemason lodge so I can get more information about this but the lodge is always closed but after visiting that lodge several times something strange came on me after googling it, I realized it called CABLE TOW. which used to identify a brother who may need a help. I got confused how am i able to have this CABLE TOW on my forehead while am not a Freemason. I need help so I can be able to help my self. Thanks