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Types & Subtypes of Masons


Registered User
Hello, brethren. I am my Lodge's education officer and I am working on research originally made by Bros. Mason Pratt and William Burkle on the "brands" of Freemasons. I am looking for Brothers to score themselves 1-5 in six different categories:

SOCIALITE: Attends social events, lodge, and generally promotes social brotherhood.
LEGISLATIVE: Actively takes up the role of officer and participates in lodge business.
RITUALIST: Devotes time to degree work and memorizing the ceremonies of Masonry.
PHILOSOPHER: Seeks the real meaning and knowledge of the rituals and symbolism.
HISTORIAN: Researches the extensive subject of the history of Masonry.
FIDUCIARY: Contributes to the financial well-being of Masonry, charities, etc.

1 Basic
2 Average
3 Good
4 Expert
5 Master

With this information, I intend to help my Lodge's retention committee to see what our members are strong in and where they would like to improve. If you could leave your name, years as a Mason, and where you would like to improve, I would greatly appreciate it (would only be shown in a Lodge presentation at most). Thank you to anyone who participates.

Q. E. L. Schuetz, M.M.
Shekinah Lodge No. 241 • IL
Murphysboro Lodge No. 498 • IL


Registered User
Myself as an example:

My name is Quentin and I have been a Mason for 2 years.

Socialite: 3 (I go to Lodge regularly and visit others sometimes)
Legislative: 2 (I know a handful of chairs)
Ritualist: 2 (I know a couple of parts)
Philosopher: 3 (As a researcher, this greatly interests me)
Historian: 4 (My greatest strength is a love of history and education)
Fiduciary: 2 (I pay my dues and rarely donate when I can).

I am a Historian Mason and would like to improve in Ritual.

Q. E. L. Schuetz, M.M.
Shekinah Lodge No. 241 • IL
Murphysboro Lodge No. 498 • IL


Premium Member
I was initiated in 2002 (I think), Past Master in two lodges, joined and demited from Shrine, member of Holy Royal Arch.

I guess my first thought - is having surveyed my lodges before (using google forms - very easy) I would be much more interested in what my members wanted rather than external information - internal info would allow me to tailor the lodge to what my members want, and I would focus on MMs....

To support you;
Socialite: 5
Legislative: 5
Ritualist: 5
Philosopher: 4
Historian: 5
Fiduciary: 2


Registered User
Thank you for your input. I agree entirely, however, I wanted a few random samples from other Masons (on as diverse a pool as the internet, too) before I brought it up to my Lodge. That way, I can make an infographic and streamline everything. It is nice having several people thank me for the presentations I put on during Masonic education. They say they learned more that night than they have all month. One of the Past Masters always tells me it's his favorite part.

Q. E. L. Schuetz, M.M.
Shekinah Lodge No. 241 • IL
Murphysboro Lodge No. 498 • IL


Premium Member
My name is Steve and I have been a Mason for 9 years.

Socialite: 1 (I'm not terribly social and don't like lodge politics that typically goes with social events)
Legislative: 3 (I'm aware of many of the rules and regulations, but am by no means an expert)
Ritualist: 4 (I know the ritual for most of the chairs)
Philosopher: 5 (this is my passion and where I most excel)
Historian: 4 (I find that studying the ritual and the philosophies contained within the can only be done when one understands the history surrounding them, therefore by default I find myself studying a great deal of history)
Fiduciary: 2 (my degree is in finance and spent many years as a financial adviser, but typically stay away from the financial duties in lodge)

I would like to see philosophy take a more prominent role in the lodge and I feel that becoming a better ritualist would help.


Registered User
Wonderful! Thank you Steve for helping my research. I was able to make a radar chart comparing our strengths and weaknesses. If I saw two Masons with our scores, I would encourage them to share their interests in the historical/philosophical/esoteric side of things.

Q. E. L. Schuetz, M.M.
Shekinah Lodge No. 241 • IL
Murphysboro Lodge No. 498 • IL

Mark Petro

Registered User
Socialite: 4 (We meet twice a week every month and I enjoy visiting other lodges)
Legislative: 3 (I have just been made Tyler of our lodge))
Ritualist: 3 (I know the openings and closings as WM, SW and JW and love to help others learn)
Philosopher: 3 (I think its very important to know the WT and their purposes, I have a copy of the Monitor of the lodge)
Historian: 2 (It's hard to tell legend from fact)
Fiduciary: 2 (I pay my dues and rarely donate when I can).


Registered User
That's great! All this data is really helping out. Judging by the numbers, Mark and I would have the shared interest of visiting Lodges, Mark and Steve would both be great in ritual/officer fields, and the three of us would have somewhat common ground on philosophy. Also, my apologies for not charting Brother Bloke and his mastery in over half the variables, which would swallow all of our graphs. Nonetheless, he would be an asset to almost any type of Mason seeking further light in Masonry.

Q. E. L. Schuetz, M.M.
Shekinah Lodge No. 241 • IL
Murphysboro Lodge No. 498 • IL

Brother JC

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Mason for 12 years;

SOCIALITE: 2, at most “masonic functions” I will ensure the necessary face time but slip out quietly after.
LEGISLATIVE: 5, not so much in the chairs but in Jurisprudence and other committees.
RITUALIST: 2, for whatever reason.
PHILOSOPHER: 4, the deeper meanings, comparisons, metaphors...
HISTORIAN: 3, I do love the convoluted and self-deluded paths of past and present assumptions.
FIDUCIARY: 2, I pay my dues on time, put something in the Almoner’s purse when I can.


Registered User
Mike-Mason for 25 years.

Socialite:4 I attend everything that I can.
Legislative:3 I can sit in several chairs when needed.
Ritualist:2 Speaking part second section and have given charges.
Philosopher:4 I read everything I can find on this subject.
Historian:4 Again, I read everything I can on this subject.


Registered User
Brother Mike thank you for your input. With two strengths of adjacent types, I think you would qualify as the subtype of Esoteric Mason, blending both history and philosophy (with a strong social secondary type).

One of my Lodges had a meeting last night and I was able to put my research to the test. As it appears, most seem to fall into the Legislative class (appropriate, as that would be the type to see at a meeting). I suppose I need to go to a degree to find a Ritualist (a groundbreaking conclusion, I know). Interestingly, my Worshipful Master and Secretary, who I've known as an incredible team in the Lodge, got the exact same answers (how's that for compatibility). Fiduciary Masons are the unicorns, the former doctors, mayors, bankers, lawyers, etc. that used to be more common in the Craft.

All in all, this has been a fun project and I appreciate all the Brethren that participated.

Q. E. L. Schuetz, M.M.
Shekinah Lodge No. 241 • IL
Murphysboro Lodge No. 498 • IL


Premium Member
Mason for a year and a bit.

Social: 3. I'm not a primarily socialite mason, and I'm by nature an introvert, but I attend the social functions gladly and don't normally just go to the meeting without going to the festive board unless there's a specific reason why not. The social element seems part of the deal to me, and I enjoy the company and variety of like-minded men. I find the shared sense of experience, identification, and values in freemasonry gives me a strong basis for building friendships.

Legislative: 3. I'm sufficiently new that I've not got so far as taking an office in my full and active lodge (which has plenty of guys who volunteer). That said, I would like to have a go at the offices whenever it should be my turn.

Ritualist: 5. I love ritual. Religious liturgy is my day job. Freemasonry gives me a perfect setting to enjoy my natural skills/interests/vocation within a social setting amongst like-minded folk.

Philosopher: 4. I don't rely on the Lodge as my primary source of philosophical wisdom; but as a person who is well versed in philosophy, religion, and religious history — as well as someone who prizes the egalitarian values of freemasonry — this angle of it feeds and enriches my overall study, and provides new angles and nuances to explore.

Historian: 4. Not entirely separate from the philosophical angle. There's a rich history to discover, and I really eat up the study of history. It's my nature to read up rather a lot on the things I get involved with. Freemasonry could have me reading forever.

Fiduciary: 2. I pay my dues; I contribute to our charitable fund; I'm proud of the work we do. But it's not the area I see myself progressing in, in the same way as some of the others. I probably do as much as the average guy in my lodge, and I would always consider giving more when asked or needed.


Registered User
I must have stealth mode on again...
Oops, I mean, uh, I was saving yours for the more polished product. Introducing Freemasonry: the Trading Card Game!

Q. E. L. Schuetz, M.M.
Shekinah Lodge No. 241 • IL
Murphysboro Lodge No. 498 • IL


Registered User
PHILOSOPHER: Wannabe 11... so 5


Registered User
My name is James and I have been a Mason for 6 months.

Socialite: 1 (I'm sociable but do not enjoy social functions without purpose)
Legislative: 2 (I enjoy knowing the in's and out's of rules and regulations, and have partaken in the Grand Lodge of PA's training in it, definitely not an expert though)
Ritualist: 1 (I know very little ritual)
Philosopher: 4 (I enjoy reading what others believe in the symbolic meaning of the craft)
Historian: 4 (Understanding the history surrounding the craft is the most important aspect of it. There is a lot of archaic language that needs to be explained to the newer generations or it will be lost)
Fiduciary: 1. (I pay dues on time)

Along with Steven, I also believe philosophy (and straight forward history) need a more prominent role in the lodge. Education is the cornerstone of Freemasonry.
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Mark Petro

Registered User
OK, do you find anything scientific in these graphs? I know what you’re trying to do, you’re trying to categorize Masons into some real category, and I agree. All Masons must fall into somewhere on his graph, Bravo on your efforts.