"Practice makes permanent."
"Practice makes permanent."
Yep. In all three i went over it over and over and over.......In the word of my instructor, "again."
Short form or one day class... Why even bother?
IMHO it means nothing when given to you.
I can not agree Brother. We do a two or three day reunion of the AASR when we bring in new members (I was one of these) and we are very loyal members. I will be helping in my fourth reunion as a member in 7 days.Short form or one day class... Why even bother?
Short form or one day class... Why even bother?
IMHO it means nothing when given to you.
The studies keep getting done because so few believe the result. I have no idea why this happens.
Your thought makes a lot of sense Brother.Could it be that their ability to participate in the Lodge quicker reinforces the feeling of belonging while others who wait 6 months to a year to be allowed to participate in most things find themselves more jaded? I have no idea... just a thought.
I do understand why people don't believe it - Your post shows that.
Which is why I have not done so for myself.Like I said.... In My Honest Opinion.
I know it's all about the one taking the degree, I just wouldn't feel right participating in a degree that I know is a short cut.
That to me would be a dis-service to the candidate.
Because now that I've been through my own degrees, degrees are now about the candidate not about me. It's a very hard lesson to learn.
The fact that it means less to you is not relevant. It's not about you just like it's not about me.
I am gratified with the trend preferring individual degrees, but those degrees are not about me just like they are not about you.
The only objective way to judge is attendance and chances of going through the line. The studies on that are done by Brothers determined to reach specific conclusions one way or the other. The studies fail to prove those conclusions. It's an important result.
So far I've only seen one set of studies that gives a consistent answer. Illinois conducts "blue lightning" degree events. All of the candidates at least got their first degree individually at lodge. The events do second and third in groups rather like the way Scottish Rite degrees are conferred. Again and again the statistics keep coming out that Brothers who go through blue lightning events are more likely to go through the line. The studies keep getting done because so few believe the result. I have no idea why this happens. I do understand why people don't believe it - Your post shows that.
As much as I love long boring business meetings, my home lodge opens and closes on the 1,2,3. It' fine to a point, but when you have a ton to get through besides paying bills, this can be a pain. If you have an EA, open on the 1st. If all a MM, open and close on that and move along.Freemasonry is getting hacked left and right.
Short form...one day classes...opening each stated meeting on the first degree...etc
To me it is indicative that GL wants to hurry everybody through the degrees to get the candidates to pay dues ASAP assuring revenue streams.
My Freemasonry