Keith C
Registered User
I find this very interesting.
Here in PA for Blue Lodge, only Past Masters, Past District Deputy Grand Masters (who have served a full 6 years Term) and Past Grand Masters get a "Past" apron and jewel and Past Secretaries, Grand Secretarioes & Past Treasurers, Grand Treassures who have served for a given number of years (which I can't recall) get a past Jewel.
Past Grand Wardens who drop out and do not get to Grand Master do not get any recoginition, nor do any Past Appointed Officers.
Here in PA for Blue Lodge, only Past Masters, Past District Deputy Grand Masters (who have served a full 6 years Term) and Past Grand Masters get a "Past" apron and jewel and Past Secretaries, Grand Secretarioes & Past Treasurers, Grand Treassures who have served for a given number of years (which I can't recall) get a past Jewel.
Past Grand Wardens who drop out and do not get to Grand Master do not get any recoginition, nor do any Past Appointed Officers.