Phil - TheLodgeofDawn6511
Registered User
Greetings Brethren All
Our Lodge in Leeds, in England have just undertaken a very enjoyable trip to a lodge on Dublin in Ireland. The trip was a wonderful experience and highlighted the social side of Freemasonry. Although the ceremony was cut short due to the on-going Covid 19 crisis, we still saw a different ceremony from under a different constitution.
The masonic part of the trip can be read here and the social side can be read here. I hope you enjoy the read.
Our Lodge in Leeds, in England have just undertaken a very enjoyable trip to a lodge on Dublin in Ireland. The trip was a wonderful experience and highlighted the social side of Freemasonry. Although the ceremony was cut short due to the on-going Covid 19 crisis, we still saw a different ceremony from under a different constitution.
The masonic part of the trip can be read here and the social side can be read here. I hope you enjoy the read.