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Lodges named after Baden Powell (Scouting)


Premium Member
Let's start a list of Lodges named after Baden Powell (1867-1941) , founder of the Scouting Movement. They might be Masonic, but any fraternal (or other community group named after Baden Powell) might be of interest.

To the causal reader, Sir Baden Powell OM, GCMG, GCVO, KCB, KStJ, DL was not a Freemason but supported the Masonic Movement because the values of Scouting and Freemasonry generally match.

Please post some useful information in this thread on an ongoing basis. (Note to grumpy past masters - here is not such thing as "necro posting" here :D )

It would be great to create a list of the Lodge Name (Baden Powell us likely!!!), location and date of foundation of Lodge Named after Baden Powell


Premium Member
I will start.

Baden Powell Lodge No. 488 is a Masonic Lodge Meeting in Mt Waverly Victoria Australia under the United Grand Lodge of Victoria..

Their webmaster has been slack !

Although not a Freemason, Baden Powell himself supported the foundation of this lodge. Today, one of his Grandsons is a member of this Australian Lodge in Victoria, one of several in Australia named after Baden Powell.

The Lodge was established on 29 Sept 1930.