Bro. Stewart was right, the first and most important step is asking. Great job on that, and it is good to see that you have at least the most basic knowledge that there is Prince Hall Masonry and "mainstream". Expand upon that knowledge and make your choice on which path you want to follow. Bro. Upton also pointed out some other good things to look into that can help with your decision. Like Bro. Stewart, I can't speak for the age requirements for joining Prince Hall, but this website has a pretty good supply of knowledgable Brothers who can help you with that, and also help you locate a lodge near you whether it is "mainstream" or PH.
For your question about he difference between Prince Hall and "mainstream" you can find a lot of that information on this site. Just do some looking around and you will find it. You will find some great discussions from educated Brothers that dive into the history of both and the connection of both.
For your comment about there being discussions going on right now about that particular lodge allowing "blacks", you might have misunderstood what was said to you, or it might have been relayed to you improperly. Used to, "mainstream" Masonry didn't officially recognice PH lodges and "regular" or real. Couldn't visit lodges with them and all that. Well, there has been a push going on for a while to change a lot of that. The Grand Lodge of Texas now recognizes The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas as "regular" Masonry. However, there are things we are still not allowed to do like intervisitation between the lodges and such. There are ongoing talks between the two GLs to allow for full visitation and other things between them, and basically consider EACH other totally legitimate Masonic organizations in the same manner that "mainstream" accepts other "mainstream".
So, I think that your buddy's father was referring to those talks and not that the local lodge you mentioned discussing about whether or not to allow "blacks". I am a "mainstream" Mason, and I have sat in lodge with a black man before (about a year ago actually) because he was also a "mainstream" Mason visiting one of our local lodges to watch a degree. When I went through my Scottish Rite degrees, one of the candidates was also a black man that was a member of one of the "mainstream" lodges in that area as well. All in all, "black" men can join "mainstream", and I am pretty sure that white men are allowed to join PH (though I really can't speak for sure as I am not a PH and I don't know the laws that govern their organization, but I'm pretty sure).
Read up on it, decide which route you would like to take and keep coming back here for more answers. Either way you choose to go, I'm sure that we will be more than glad to have you with us here on the site. Lots of Brothers on here would be more than happy to help you begin your journey when the time comes. Good luck, and I hope this was helpful.