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Have a little Faith - Judaism



Dear Gentlemen!
The ones who's Faith is Judaism.
I've noticed on several pics and on sculpture, that there are -- 2 "rays of Light" are bein' drawn on the head of Prophet Moses!
Could anyone please comment on that issue?
Thank You!


I can only report my own experience. I was once standing on a dragon line (ley line) that was blocked. And it came to me that I should unblock it. At that time 2 rays of light entered my head - one just above each temple - with the rays being at right angles to each other. This meant that from behind me that the rays each appeared to be at 45 degrees from the vertical.

Now if you recall your physics, an electric current crossing a magnetic field generates a force at right angles to both.

And so it was. It was indicated that I should push out through my 3rd eye, that position being just in front of where the 2 rays crossed in my head.

So I pushed against a resistance and about a minute later received a blow on the back of my head when the dragon line opened and the energy flowed around the planet to where I was.

I immediately thought about the horns of Moses. It seems that the horns are incoming light.

There were other dragon lines at that place that were also blocked, so I thought that I would have a go at those. "Oh no you won't" was the response, and now 30 years later they are still blocked.

Thanks for Your answer, Mr.James!
But, IMHO, you're a little bit mistaken with choosin' the answer to your vis-a-vis! :)
I appreciate your Sense of Humour :) & I'd really like to laugh at that, but, IMHO, my question is quite serious isn't it?
Anyway, Thank You!
P.S. What is "dragon line" mean?


Dragon lines are natural energy flows across the landscape. It was common to place important buildings upon them. Here is a well-known example from England showing placement of churches dedicated to St Michael. The placement of churches is within 50m of a line about 200km long.


Here is a more general discussion:

Kinda interestin'!
Ok, let's suppose that these even are not "rays of lights" on the Moses's head, this is whatever, not important, but I wonder:
why painters and sculptor decided to -- capture that!?


My answer is serious: the rays of light are incoming to Moses thereby providing him with a source of energy with which to drive events.
And, let's suppose that -- may be, if these are "rays of light"(energy) -- who is sendin' them?


Premium Member
From Jewish

By: Emil G. Hirsch, Max Schloessinger

Owing to the representations of the old painters and sculptors, it has become a wide-spread belief that Moses, when he came down from Mount Sinai with the tables of the Law, had two horns on his forehead. This strange idea, however, is based upon a wrong interpretation of Ex. xxxiv. 29, 35,
("And behold the skin of his face shone"), in which
means "to shine" (comp. Hab. iii. 4,
= "brightness was on his side").

The old translations give
= "shine," with the exception of Aquila and the Vulgate, which read "his face had horns." This misunderstanding, however, may have been favored by the Babylonian and Egyptian conception of horned deities (Sin, Ammon), and by the legend of the two-horned Alexander the Great (see the Koran, sura xviii. 85).

  • Cheyne and Black, Encyc. Bibl. s.v.;
  • Dillmann, Commentary on Exodus, ad loc.


From Jewish

By: Emil G. Hirsch, Max Schloessinger

Owing to the representations of the old painters and sculptors, it has become a wide-spread belief that Moses, when he came down from Mount Sinai with the tables of the Law, had two horns on his forehead. This strange idea, however, is based upon a wrong interpretation of Ex. xxxiv. 29, 35,
("And behold the skin of his face shone"), in which
means "to shine" (comp. Hab. iii. 4,
= "brightness was on his side").

The old translations give
= "shine," with the exception of Aquila and the Vulgate, which read "his face had horns." This misunderstanding, however, may have been favored by the Babylonian and Egyptian conception of horned deities (Sin, Ammon), and by the legend of the two-horned Alexander the Great (see the Koran, sura xviii. 85).

  • Cheyne and Black, Encyc. Bibl. s.v.;
  • Dillmann, Commentary on Exodus, ad loc.

These are not "horns"!
Only stupid person can think like that!!!
These are -- Rays Of Light!
The Question is that: The God's, Celestial Father's Energy is too thin, it can't be captured with no kind of super-developed
These Rays are comin' from -- One of the Extraterrestrial Civilization!
The Question is: are Their Aims towards Humanity -- Positive or Negative?


Premium Member
These are not "horns"!
Only stupid person can think like that!!!
These are -- Rays Of Light!
The Question is that: The God's, Celestial Father's Energy is too thin, it can't be captured with no kind of super-developed
These Rays are comin' from -- One of the Extraterrestrial Civilization!
The Question is: are Their Aims towards Humanity -- Positive or Negative?

Yes, they are rays of light. What the article is explaining is that the artists (like Michelangelo's famous statue of Moses) depicted them as horns due to being mistranslated.


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