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Excited but scared.


Premium Member
I've been lurking the forum since I was told I passed and given my initiation date. I want to jump in and start learning and helping. I'm just anxious I guess. I've tried not to read stuff online but I'm itching to know stuff. I know I need to calm down and relax. Its hard getting a message saying you passed and them telling you your date 11-19-13.

What do I do know
How can I prepaid myself for something I've dreamed of most of my adult life.

This is where a friend would come in handy but they are all non masions and wouldn't understand.

Sorry to ramble I just have so much inside and don't know what to do about it.

Thanks for any advice or positive comments anyone can give.

Nick J
Middleton , wisconsin

My Freemasonry HD


Registered User
I've been lurking the forum since I was told I passed and given my initiation date. I want to jump in and start learning and helping. I'm just anxious I guess. I've tried not to read stuff online but I'm itching to know stuff. I know I need to calm down and relax. Its hard getting a message saying you passed and them telling you your date 11-19-13.

What do I do know
How can I prepaid myself for something I've dreamed of most of my adult life.

This is where a friend would come in handy but they are all non masions and wouldn't understand.

Sorry to ramble I just have so much inside and don't know what to do about it.

Thanks for any advice or positive comments anyone can give.

Nick J
Middleton , wisconsin

My Freemasonry HD

Nick I would say be cool. Let your lodge guide you over the next few weeks. I would say do not read anything pertaining to the initiation into the 1st degree. That night will be eye opening memorable. Just know that in November you will begin a journey...

Brother JC

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Let your lodge guide you over the next few weeks.
My feelings, exactly. Your first-line signer should be available to talk to, as well as other members. There are always a couple older PMs working the office at my Mother Lodge and I would frequently stop by just to spend a little time talking to them. Then one day I was Initiated, and we had so much more to talk about.

Remember that every man in that room, every Mason world-wide, has gone before you. The path is well-worn, but you must walk it yourself nonetheless.


Premium Member
That's one thing that's makes me feel better. Knowing all of the others have done the same thing.

I'm just going to sit and wait. :) luckily I can be patient, I just feel like I should be doing something.

My Freemasonry HD


Registered User
I was eager and excited, but once that I have entered into Lodge, as I have reached a state of serenity. I have felt like "different" and serene, quiet as when I'm at my house, even my house has become the Lodge and if I do not attend I feel lonely and unhappy.


Premium Member
And that's what I believe will happen. It's just so exciting to be moving forward at last.

My Freemasonry HD


Premium Member
Yeah man, keep that itch to "find out" more under wraps. You really don't wanna risk ruining anything for yourself. Masonry affords a lifetime of learning and contemplation, there will be plenty of time for you to dive in further down the road. For now, just relax and enjoy the process. Take it all in now because it only happens ONCE.


Premium Member
This is where a friend would come in handy but they are all non masions and wouldn't understand.

Perspective - Until the day of your initiation you are the one who is a non-Mason who won't understand. To your top line signer you are the friend who is not a Mason.

By accepting his friend (you) to become a Brother he took a step out in faith and put his trust in you that you will be okay with the process. The day you are initiated it will be your turn to step out in faith and put your trust in him that you will be okay with the process. Sometimes it's easier to put our trust in the divine than it is to put your trust in a friend because you know your friend is a flawed human the same as all of us.

Step out in faith that when the day comes you will be ready to step out in trust of your friend. That's my suggestion on how to prepare for the day of your initiation. Who was your top line signer? Eminent elder, salt of the earth laborer, generous friend. You trusted him enough to ask him to sign. He trusted you enough to sign for you. Trust that your friend will see to it that you are well taken care of. The rest will follow from that trust.

Courage is not lack of fear. Courage is stepping out even though you are afraid. Courage, faith and trust are all aspects of the same notion.


Registered User
You're not a hemophiliac, are you?


I was very recently initiated, and totally understand your eagerness. It was 7 months between my application and my receiving news of the ballot, and I chomped the bit the entire time.

To "ease the pain" I made Google my friend and explored lodge websites from all over the globe. Photos taught me a lot about attire ettiquette, articles on lodge histories helped my appreciate them, and I developed a pretty well-rounded view of the Craft even before I got started.

My Freemasonry HD


Registered User
^Nixon 2000

My Freemasonry HD


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Premium Member
Reading the posts and just saying what I thinking helped. I'm going to relax and just count down the days. Thanks all.

My Freemasonry HD


Registered User
My date has been set for 12/10. Very excited and a little nervous at the same time. Waiting for the day is exciting, nervous because when I joined my fraternity in college I discovered that when I get nervous I laugh which can make me more nervous trying not to laugh.

My Freemasonry


Registered User
My date has been set for 12/10. Very excited and a little nervous at the same time. Waiting for the day is exciting, nervous because when I joined my fraternity in college I discovered that when I get nervous I laugh which can make me more nervous trying not to laugh.

My Freemasonry

Congrats, I was initiated 10/18 what an experience you won't regret it.

Stewart Manor #56 F&AM

Bro Darren

Premium Member
Congrats on the vote. I had the same feelings and was told by the WM and PM that I should relax and just enjoy the experience. The lodge are the ones that need to get it right as they do all the hard work. Enjoy the night as I will a week after you.

Mind you, after saying all that, still excited and nervous also.

My Freemasonry


Registered User
I received my first degree in February and I was just as nervous getting my second and my third. Being nervous is normal, and is part of the experience. In the end it will all make sense if you let it.

My Freemasonry

Brother Altizer

Registered User
My mentor gave me a very profound and simple bit of advice at the beginning of my travel to the East....."the first rule is patience. Learn all u can at each phase because if you rush through the whole process you won't be able to fully appreciate the journey!" Happy travels brother!

My Freemasonry


Registered User
A brother in my lodge told me on the night of my Fellowcraft degree ceremony, that he had been shot down in Vietnam two times in a helicopter and he was more nervous walking into the lodge to get his degree returns then he was in Vietnam. I was nervous on all three of my return degrees but also excited at the same time.

My Freemasonry


Premium Member
It's been a bit since I started this thread and since then I have read the comments and had time to reflect. I am still excited but my nerves have calmed ....somewhat. :)

I do have a count down clock on my desk at work but the closer I get the more I seem to relax. I believe it's going to be an amazing journey that will last a lifetime.

I am still interested to know what others felt the days leading up to it and the day of. It's a great feeling when you realize that your not alone and everyone has gone on the same journey.

My Freemasonry


Registered User
Nix I was nervous, excited, and started asking myself why am I doing this again? I guess I was mentally preparing myself for what was about to happen. Now that I'm a MM I know it was all worth it.

My Freemasonry