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Registered User
I am being initiated on Thursday along with Visanthe Shiancoe which is cool in its own right since he's NFL. So I'm very much as happy as I can be right now as I am finally where I want to be after a long wait. Now I need to reach the 3rd degree.

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Registered User
This lodge is great I have already made friends. For those who are looking keep going to dinners and function s as I did and make sure your comfortable because I was able to eat and make jokes with these guys and the past master and the SW became people that were glad to sign my petition.

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Bro Darren

Premium Member
I remember my initiation like it was yesterday even though it was 2 months ago today. Enjoy the experience and please let us know how it goes.

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Registered User
I'm a mason

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Registered User
Having fun after the ceremony was Done master gave us his hats.

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Brother JC

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
I have a good friend (and a Fellowcraft I am mentoring) who goes to Saint John's. Sadly, he hasn't been able to visit your lodge yet.


Registered User
Masonry won't get you a job, it can give you the skills for personal development however. My advice is take things slow and enjoy the ride.

Live long
See far
Know much

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