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A Historic Occasion Between Two Texas Grand Lodges

Squire Bentley

Premium Member
On November 17, 2016 Deputy Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas F & AM Michael T. Anderson spoke at Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283, Grand Lodge of Texas AF & AM upon the invitation of Worshipful David Bindel. Worshipful Bindel remarked that he thought this could be a historic moment being that this might be the first time a Prince Hall Grand Lodge Officer addressed a Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Texas.

The response to this article and pictures within the first 24 hours of publication has been tremendous. To see Grand Lodge of Texas PGM Elmer Murphy put his arm around Prince Hall DGM Michael T. Anderson has touched many, many Masons on both sides of the aisle.

Perhaps you might consider closer fraternal relations with those in the other Grand Lodge, as the case may be. It can do wonders for the soul.

Here is the article: