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  1. Masonic Minute - Nagy.mp4

    Masonic Minute - Nagy.mp4

    The Building Better Builders Coach John Nagy explains the difference between Freemasonry & Masonry.
  2. coachn

    The Craft PERFECTED! Our Masonic Youth

    XII. Our Masonic Youth Are we expecting too much from our youthful Brothers? Research reflects what our nation’s forefathers knew long ago: You cannot expect wisdom to be a principle component of youthful activities. They believed this so strongly that they incorporated this very ideal...
  3. SivadSemaj

    Your educational aspirations

    Good evening Brethren, What is everyone doing, educationally, to support their desire for growth in Freemasonry? I decided to join the Academy of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and start becoming certified as a Masonic Scholar via their program. Pennsylvania offers three (3) levels...
  4. Samuel Tucker

    Masonic Reading List?

    What's a good place to start reading to grow your Masonic education? I'm an eager EA
  5. MasonicLeader

    The Masonic Leader's Mindset Videos

    A great leader needs a number of attributes to make him effective. Where it must begin is with the right attitude and mindset. Masons Lead Better has created "The Masonic Leader's Mindset" video series to remind a Masonic leader that the degrees of Freemasonry provide excellent guidance for a...
  6. texanmason

    Texas MasoniCon 2018 - Early Bird Special Almost Over!

    BRETHREN: We are nearing the end of our early bird special for Texas MasoniCon! We are super excited about this event and we want to make sure everyone has a chance to jump in on it. We are flying in educational speakers from all over the state and country, and we'll have a whole day of...
  7. Glen Cook

    2018 World Conference of Regular Masonic Grand Lodges
  8. coachn

    Grand Lodge Innovation Solves Problem Plaguing Craft

    Solving the seat of a problem takes some innovation... Buttsworth Vermont – In an unprecedented move unheard of throughout any recorded Freemasonic history, a Grand Lodge has made an innovation to the Craft that shall impact Freemasonry long into its future. Grand Lodge spokesman, Hiram...