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  1. B

    Is freemasonry right for me

    That was very well put, thank you. Another thing that I do believe in is premonitions and things of that sort. They happen to me all the time(mostly irrelevant things but strange nonetheless) but I have been researching freemasonry a lot for the last month or so and Saturday I went in for a...
  2. B

    Is freemasonry right for me

    Yes that would be my opinion that it all was started by someone/something. Opinion being the operative word because I don't know for a fact how the universe was designed but if freemasonry would help me gain a better concept on how to look at the world (in addition to the fraternal aspect and...
  3. B

    Is freemasonry right for me

    I've been reading up on freemasonry a lot lately and I am very intrigued and interested. The only thing that causes me hesitation to taking a step toward joining is religion. I believe someone/thing had to start the universe at the very start but that is the extent of it. And I believe that...