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Thoughts on my first 'real' lodge meeting

Ed Nelson

Registered User
I received my 3rd degree two weeks ago, and tonight was my first 'real' lodge meeting as a Master Mason. I have only been in the lodge a few times (1st degree, degree proficiency, 2nd degree, degree proficiency, and the 3rd degree).

I arrived and was greeted by several familiar faces, including my candidate coach, who directed me to put on one of the white aprons outside of the lodge.

As I was tying it on, the WM asked me to take off the simple apron and told me he was going to have me sit in the Junior Steward's chair (my chin hit the floor!) and had me put on the apron of that office. Our lodge is very small, and has some empty chairs, so I got to fill in.

The meeting was short, but quite the learning experience. I got to participate in my first masonic vote (for a mason petitioning for a dual membership), and after the meeting, the WM asked if I would consider being the Junior Steward full time. I said yes, and the installation of new officers is on the 14th.

Our District inspector was there, and has set up monthly trainings at rotating lodges in our district, so I'll be getting to do some lodge hopping and getting to know the local lodges.

Finally, after the meeting and before refreshments, I was presented a special apron and jewel for the appointment of my new office (it was a BBQ apron and a necklace with a fork and spoon hanging from it). Apparently, the new guy gets it until a new, new guy comes along.

It was a fun night, and a very cool intro to my lodge!


Registered User
Haha! I too wear the jewel of my office. The forks and spoons! We are passing (hopefully), a brother tomorrow night, and you can bet that I will be persuading him to get cracking so he can be raised and I can hand down the jewel.
(I don't know if you do, but I actually wear the jewel in lodge.) The first time I did, we had a few votes to handle and we almost had to halt because 3 or 4 brothers couldn't contain themselves from laughing.-it was a good time.
Congratulations on your newest office brother.


Premium Member
Good start brother! You'll enjoy the journey. A nice long one worth the effort.

God bless.

Ed Nelson

Registered User
Hey, that's me getting installed into office tonight by my the District Inspector (I'm the taller guy ;)
Officially Jr Steward!



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