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Question regarding "ongoing" fundraising and more.


Premium Member
Do you notice a drop off in attendance at Lodge when a yearly fundraiser is pushed?

Also, We were supposed to have a Fellowcraft Degree last night but the EA had to back out for now because of a work schedule change (he is a police officer)

The sidelines were baron and we exemplified the FC degree for the DDGM who was there on an official visit.

I got to play the candidate for the examination portion and then sat in as JS for the the rest of the degree since it was advanced chairs. A PM played the part of the candidate during Circumambulation.

Usually we have at least 20 on the sidelines not including officers. Last night was dead and I felt embarrassed when the DDGM pointed that out.

Do you think it was because it was a
- Degree night?
- DDGM visit?
- Fundraising that may push brethren away?


Re: Question regarding "ongoing" fundraising and m

Do you notice a drop off in attendance at Lodge when a yearly fundraiser is pushed?

Yep, especially when the fundraiser is taking place!

I'm a firm believer that people support what they like with their feet, meaning they'll be there. If brothers arent interested in a program then they simply won't be there to support it, which means it probably shouldn't continue.


Premium Member
Re: Question regarding "ongoing" fundraising and m

I'm curious. Was the fundraiser coming out of the brothers' pockets or were they just expected to help put it on? If it was the sort of fundraiser where the fundraising is coming from the brethren, I guess I could see how they'd skip out. Of course in that case, just raise dues. ;)

Otherwise, I can't see brethren skipping due to a DDGM visit and I surely hope they didn't skip because of a degree.


Founding Member
Premium Member
Re: Question regarding "ongoing" fundraising and m

Not many men come to masonry to raise money but if they believe in what they are practicing they will raise money to perpetuate it. I would bet a stomach bug kept most of your lodge at home as opposed to the reasons you listed though. IMHO


Premium Member
Re: Question regarding "ongoing" fundraising and m

It is a calendar lottery fundraiser.

We sell calendars and there is a monthly lottery. The winner gets a check in the mail.

It raises a lot of money but I feel it pushes some brothers away.


Premium Member
Re: Question regarding "ongoing" fundraising and m

It is a calendar lottery fundraiser.

We sell calendars and there is a monthly lottery. The winner gets a check in the mail.

It raises a lot of money but I feel it pushes some brothers away.

That would break the rules in many jurisdictions that do not allow gambling of any sort. A group in Illinois has been trying to pass an annual fundraiser lottery and it keeps failing. They resubmit every other year and have done so with slight changes for quite some time.


Premium Member
Re: Question regarding "ongoing" fundraising and m

Not being facetious here, but isn't a raffle technically a gamble? I ask because pretty sure gambling would be a no-no in Tejas and I see plenty of raffles happening. Or are raffles considered separate? Hmm

My Freemasonry
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Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Re: Question regarding "ongoing" fundraising and m

Not being facetious here, but isn't a raffle technically a gamble? I ask because pretty sure gambling would be a no-no in Tejas and I see plenty of raffles happening. Or are raffles considered separate?
Yes, raffles ARE considered to be a form of gambling and, as such, are strictly regulated by the State of Texas. I tried to attach the page regarding raffles from the GLoTX Handbook for Secretaries but the file size is too large. I'll email it to Blake & see if he can post it to this thread for you.


Premium Member
Re: Question regarding "ongoing" fundraising and m

I do not have the constitution for our jurisdiction in front of me so I cannot comment.

Our lodge has applied for the necessary licenses from the state of new jersey. Our DDGM was there on an official visit when we discussed the calendars and nothing was said. In fact, another lodge in another county "borrowed" our idea.

Edit: I understand my reply is "hearsay." From what I gather the fundraiser is approved by our GL as our current WM does things by the book.
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Premium Member
Re: Question regarding "ongoing" fundraising and m

Not being facetious here, but isn't a raffle technically a gamble? I ask because pretty sure gambling would be a no-no in Tejas and I see plenty of raffles happening. Or are raffles considered separate? Hmm

Raffles are gambling but some people consider them a lesser problem than other forms of gambling. As a result some jurisdictions make an exception for raffles. One of my jurisdictions, Illinois, keeps rejecting proposals to allow them.

My Shrine conducts raffles all the time. My Shrine membership is in Chicago. I have no idea how that works relative to GLofIL. I don't think anyone in the jurisdiction wants to open that particular Pandora's Box.


Premium Member
Re: Question regarding "ongoing" fundraising and m

... I can't see brethren skipping due to a DDGM visit ...

There was a joke printed in Temple Topics which I receive monthly from one of my lodges.

The DDGM arrived as scheduled to give a talk. The room was almost empty. He asked the WM if he had published word of the talk. "No, but I guess the word got out anyways. Sorry about that."

The only reason I can laugh is all of the OVs I can remember have been well attended compared to other Stated meetings.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Re: Question regarding "ongoing" fundraising and m

OK- Blake said this would work now. Brethren, be advised that the following are NOT rules promulgated by the GLoTX, but are Laws of the State of Texas.


  • Raffle rules.bmp
    243.1 KB · Views: 321