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Greetings from the Old North State

Hi. My name is Dominick. I've been a mason for 34 years now. I was raised at 24 years of age in Philo Lodge #243 F&AM in South River, NJ. I now sit as Junior Deacon in St. John's lodge #3 AF&AM New Bern, NC.

Masonry has been a big part of my life, especially in shaping my character. I credit masonry and my lodge brothers for the man I am today. Some people think this is odd, but I can attest that the lessons and principles I learned in my degrees, and the character of my lodge brothers helped guide me in making decisions and becoming a man of integrity. Not a perfect ashlar yet, but still working on it!

Having joined masonry before the widespread use of the internet, back then our continued learning came from books, visiting other lodges and listening to brothers share their histories and stories. It's so great that we can have a place like this that brings us together to discuss the craft and all facets of it.

I've enjoyed reading many threads and learned some more things along the way. Thanks to those who created this space and fraternal greetings to all my brothers here.
Hello from Australia and thanks for sharing a bit of your story !

Love your avatar picture !
The avatar picture is of our historic lodge room. We are celebrating the 250th anniversary of our chartering this year. The lodge was chartered in 1772. Our lodge was built around 1800. It’s a beautiful lodge room with frescoes of Masonic symbolism.


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