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Apron opinions?


Premium Member
I'm interested in getting some opinions/preferences from everyone regarding your aprons.

I was recently raised and I'm now planning on purchasing a nice, quality apron that I can proudly wear for the foreseeable future. The problem is that I'm having a really tough time deciding between a solid white apron and one that has some artwork to it.

On one hand I think back to my EA ritual and lean towards the solid white one for its purity and simplicity. On the other hand, I look at the artwork and think about how I enjoy all of the symbolism within our craft and like the idea of having the artwork there as a constant reminder to myself. (I should probably affirm that artwork I'm referring to is all Master Mason appropriate. Nothing that would be officer-specific or intended for a Past Master.)

So I realize, of course, that in the end this is a decision only I can make and there's no right or wrong answer; however, I would love to hear what others have chosen in the past and why. Perhaps someone's rationale here can sway me one way or another.

Thanks for any input!


Premium Member
Just ordered mine from brotherhood aprons


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Premium Member
Ive heard that also. I emailed my grand lodge and i was told that the only thing that cant be done is wear a burial apron or any gold since gold is for grand lodge! I was also worried about that.


Premium Member
Thanks trysquare! I did check with my WM and he did not believe there to be any regulations against it, but he's going to verify for me just to be sure and let me know.

It would almost be easier if there was a rule against it. It would make my decision for me! :)


Premium Member
I'd say wait until you're a Past Grand Master. You'll get a pretty nifty apron for that, plus a couple of others along the way.


Premium Member
I'm interested in getting some opinions/preferences from everyone regarding your aprons.

I was recently raised and I'm now planning on purchasing a nice, quality apron that I can proudly wear for the foreseeable future. The problem is that I'm having a really tough time deciding between a solid white apron and one that has some artwork to it.

On one hand I think back to my EA ritual and lean towards the solid white one for its purity and simplicity. On the other hand, I look at the artwork and think about how I enjoy all of the symbolism within our craft and like the idea of having the artwork there as a constant reminder to myself. (I should probably affirm that artwork I'm referring to is all Master Mason appropriate. Nothing that would be officer-specific or intended for a Past Master.)

So I realize, of course, that in the end this is a decision only I can make and there's no right or wrong answer; however, I would love to hear what others have chosen in the past and why. Perhaps someone's rationale here can sway me one way or another.

Thanks for any input!

Brother I believe ever mason has there own significant meaning to there apron. The significance of the symbols and colors they pick (I believe) will determine there experience and meaningful parts of masonry. My apron I will order once raised, its meaningful to me in my own way from the various colors which we find to have meaning to the symbols reminding me what I felt when I was taught of them. This will be my apron with a pair of white Kid leather gloves.
ImageUploadedByMy Freemasonry Pro1408676083.915427.jpg


Premium Member
Ive heard that also. I emailed my grand lodge and i was told that the only thing that cant be done is wear a burial apron or any gold since gold is for grand lodge! I was also worried about that.

Brother are you sure about the gold.
Maybe this is yellow? Because this apron is a regular master mason apron. Is it not?? Just want to clear this up before I would order it.


Premium Member
Nope grand lodge said NO GOLD.

Thats from the grand secretary. I even have the email saved. I wouldnt get an apron like that, id talk to your Wm before i purchased.


Premium Member
Nope grand lodge said NO GOLD.

Thats from the grand secretary. I even have the email saved. I wouldnt get an apron like that, id talk to your Wm before i purchased.

Thank you brother! It's okay I'll take your word for it! I'll just fine another one.. I think on the website I can change the color.

Now is there an issue with what's gold to be black due to funerals?


Premium Member
Id just get a plain white with white designs. You dont really want to show up looking like your from grand lodge to a meeting !! Lol read your by laws and talk to your wm.

Companion Joe

Premium Member
I have said this before on other threads, but I'd keep the wearing of personal aprons to special occasions and maybe third degree nights. We don't need a fashion show at every meeting, and we don't need people who want to draw attention to themselves. Masons are supposed to meet on the level with one another. That is why historically you wore white gloves to lodge meetings; when you shook hands with someone you couldn't tell if he was an executive or a laborer.


Premium Member
Thats the reason why i got an all white apron. All that fancy trim and stuff makes you look like a visitor from grand lodge or something.

The main reason i got mine is because im a big guy and those little loaner ones we have look like a napkin on me! I was able to order a bigger one that looked better on me. I kept it all white because i didnt want the brothers to think i thought i was better then anyone. We all meet on the level.