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on display in the Lodgeroom


Premium Member
I have some recollection of reading a rule that only portraits of Past Masters and George Washington can be displayed in a Lodgeroom. But I can't find it in the law anywhere. Am I crazy?


Registered User
Our lodge is shared by eos and I don't believe we have a written rule (that I know of) that's says that, but it's been our tradition to have it that way along with worthy patrons for oes

Hoc Signo Vincam


Premium Member
I may be completely imagining this rule, but part of the point was that OES portraits weren't displayed.


Premium Member
i'm curious as well. wayside discussion was had recently about masonic artwork displayed in the lodge room. nothing official or anything, but it never crossed our minds that it might be against GL law...


Premium Member
I have some recollection of reading a rule that only portraits of Past Masters and George Washington can be displayed in a Lodgeroom. But I can't find it in the law anywhere.

I would be astonished at any such rule. Whether it would be worth writing legislation to change such a rule is a different matter. Small fish perhaps.

I've seen a lot of portraits in lodge rooms. MW Bro Truman is very common, as are ones of assorted MW PGMs. When a lodge delivers a GM his portrait tends to hang in that lodge from then on. When a lodge is named after a PGM his portrait tends to hang in that lodge from then on - One of my lodges changed its name to the name of the village but the portrait has not been moved. I have seen charts of heads of Eastern Star and Amaranth in lodges. Except for Washington and Truman all portraits are more common elsewhere in the building, but all sorts do appear in the tiled space.

Am I crazy?

I'm crazy. You, I couldn't say. Chuckle.

Brother JC

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
The only portrait I've ever seen inside a lodge room was Brother George. PMs, etc have always been in the lobby, dining room, or anteroom. Can't say that I've ever read a rule conserving them either way.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Bro. Tom, the answers to your question are attached hereto. Enjoy! :wink:


  • GM's Decisions p.49.bmp
    208.3 KB · Views: 815
  • GM's Decisions p.50.bmp
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  • GM's Decisions p.51.bmp
    205.1 KB · Views: 754
  • GM's Decisions p.52.bmp
    211.4 KB · Views: 767


Registered User
Bro. Tom, the answers to your question are attached hereto. Enjoy! :wink:

Interesting answer regarding the Koran on 52. Is that still the case? It isn't supposed to be used on the altar? If so, how does a Muslim take the obligation without it being on the altar?

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Interesting answer regarding the Koran on 52. Is that still the case? It isn't supposed to be used on the altar? If so, how does a Muslim take the obligation without it being on the altar?

The book contains ALL GM's Decisions, even those that have been superseded. See page 52a, attached below.

View attachment GM's Decisions p.52a.bmp

Every Lodge, IMHO, should have a copy of the GM's Decisions- it's interesting reading, especially in seeing how attitudes have changed over the years regarding subjects as that at hand.


Premium Member
Every Lodge, IMHO, should have a copy of the GM's Decisions- it's interesting reading, especially in seeing how attitudes have changed over the years regarding subjects as that at hand.

Is there a member login option on the GLofTX web site? I have that on my other jurisdictions and I can order GL publications and forms using those accounts. I'll be at lodge today and tomorrow so I'll ping both to see if they have a copy I can purchase or a way to order. I've got a monitor but so far not a book of law.

Thinking about this around a year ago I gave away my copy of the Illinois Masonic Code print book so I should go on-line and order myself a new copy of that one as well. A question needing a quote from it came up recently on one of the mailing lists.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Is there a member login option on the GLofTX web site? I have that on my other jurisdictions and I can order GL publications and forms using those accounts. I'll be at lodge today and tomorrow so I'll ping both to see if they have a copy I can purchase or a way to order. I've got a monitor but so far not a book of law.
Not of which I'm aware- your Lodge Secretary can order them for you, though.


Registered User
I attended a lodge in Texas not too long ago to help raise a young man. This being my first vist to the lodge I was given a tour by the SD before the meal, In the east behind the master chair was 2 very large portraits one on each side of the masters chair , it was explained that these Brothers were the lodges 2 , 33 degree masons, Each brother was in his SR hat, I really didn't think it was appropriate in blue lodge.

Companion Joe

Premium Member
The portraits we have actually in the Lodge room are four Past Most Illustrious Grand Masters from our Lodge (all PMs), a Past Grand Commander from our Commandery, a Past Worthy Grand Matron from the OES chapter, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Andrew Johnson.


Premium Member
I attended a lodge in Texas not too long ago to help raise a young man. This being my first vist to the lodge I was given a tour by the SD before the meal, In the east behind the master chair was 2 very large portraits one on each side of the masters chair , it was explained that these Brothers were the lodges 2 , 33 degree masons, Each brother was in his SR hat, I really didn't think it was appropriate in blue lodge.
It's worth asking whether this lodge owned their building, or were renting space from another body, such as a Scottish Rite valley.


Premium Member
Is there a member login option on the GLofTX web site? I have that on my other jurisdictions and I can order GL publications and forms using those accounts. I'll be at lodge today and tomorrow so I'll ping both to see if they have a copy I can purchase or a way to order. I've got a monitor but so far not a book of law.

W Br Sec pulled out a price list for GL publications and checked his shelf to confirm he had a print copy. Now I have the book on my desk at home. If I'm in Waco at some point I'll stop in and ask for that price list so I know how to order other items in the future. I'm tempted to also get the book of law on CD/DVD so I can reference and quote parts without typing them in.


Registered User
It's worth asking whether this lodge owned their building, or were renting space from another body, such as a Scottish Rite valley.
It was the lodges building. I was also told a new highway took out the old lodge and built this new one.


Registered User
The book contains ALL GM's Decisions, even those that have been superseded. See page 52a, attached below.

View attachment 4007

Every Lodge, IMHO, should have a copy of the GM's Decisions- it's interesting reading, especially in seeing how attitudes have changed over the years regarding subjects as that at hand.

Thanks. It does sound interesting. This is likely something I will try to get after I am raised.


Premium Member
No, subsequent action by Grand Lodge made it acceptable for a Muslim to use a Koran on the altar.

On Saturday I attended a first degree where the candidate brought his own Bagavat Gita to be obligated upon. The obligation was delivered by the district instructor who knows his ritual very well.