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Which finger do you wear your ring on and why?

Bill Rose

Premium Member
Right pinky finger, out



Registered User
I used to wear my Lodge ring on my right pinky until I lost it. My 14* I wear on my right 3rd finger

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I proudly wear both my M.M 3rd° and my custom/combination 32nd° Scottish rite /Shriners rings to firstly remind my self of each of the obligations I took and to let other know that I am both proud and honored to be a mason, and the point of the compass for me are always worn in the downward position, thus allowing other brothers to see I am a traveling man and welcome their hand shake with grattitude and love.
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Floresville #515
Premium Member
IMAG0149.jpgI wear mine on my right hand and decided I wont wear it facing out until I have sat in the East for degree or WM.

David N.

Premium Member
I read once that the Grand Lodge of South Carolina has some rules about rings (unconfirmed,) but I've never heard of any other Grand Jurisdiction in the U.S. having any.

I'd like to hear more about this, if you don't mind.


Registered User
So I'm guessing for the most part its personal preference as far as what finger and what direction

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I personally wear mine on the left hand little finger with the points of the compass pointing towards me. I guess that's because I'm left handed.


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I wear my Masonic Ring on the right finger....

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Wear it with the compasses pointed toward you as reminder of your obligations. Wear it with compasses pointed away from you to spread Masonic Light to others. I have also heard that you wear it with the compasses toward you until you are Master of the lodge and then turn them around in imitation of how they are seen on the altar from the East. In Wisconsin we have no prescribed way and I don't personally think I need to be reminded of my obligations so I wear mine pointed out.


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My right ring finger and out (even though this one alternates)

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David Hill

Registered User
The direction of the man, is far more important than the direction of the ring. There is no "right" way to wear a Masonic ring. Wear it the way you wish, and live up to your obligations.

I fully agree. I wear mine with the S&C out because it feels odd for me to wear it in a manner that I would perceive as upside down. It's an aesthetic thing to me. The weight and presence of the ring is reminder enough.

Billy Jones

Registered User
Mine in on my right ring finger and I think that there's no right or wrong way I like mine points out for a few reasons such as that's the view of of the WM and the points are extended

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Premium Member
What do u mean store?
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The Freemason store. I can tell you are not a Mason and until you are a Master Mason you do not ware one. I personally don't ware one because I have not wore jewelry since I was an electrician.


Premium Member
Where, how and why do u get a masonic ring?

where? where someone sells them or wherever someone gives you one.
how? you purchase one or are given one. you are only entitled to wear one after you have been raised as a master mason (though rings depicting different degrees exist, it isn't really kosher to wear one)
why? some folks take pride in being a master mason and wear a ring to show it. it's just become common to wear one.