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What benefits will I gain from freemasonry?
Freemason Connect HD
Freemason Connect HD
There are no "benefits". The principle reasoning for joining Freemasonry is to use the tools of a mason to construct a better person and in turn permitting you to be a better servant to your community. So the only "benefit" I know of is you using the tools of a master mason to benefit those less fortunate than yourself.
Freemason Connect HD
There are no "benefits". The principle reasoning for joining Freemasonry is to use the tools of a mason to construct a better person and in turn permitting you to be a better servant to your community. So the only "benefit" I know of is you using the tools of a master mason to benefit those less fortunate than yourself.
Freemason Connect HD
The Degrees offered to you within the Symbolic Lodge shall introduce you to Development Work that, when done, Transforms you from Good to Better. Included this Betterment is a deeper self-knowledge, that of the universe and ultimately The Word as exemplified through your personal Faith. Should you join and choose not to do the Work that the three Degrees Direct you toward, you shall receive only an unfulfilling Substitute of which you might seek Further Light in other Degrees, but shall remain unfulfilled until you actually Do The Work.What benefits will I gain from freemasonry?
Freemason Connect HD
I respectfully disagree. There are many benefits to Freemasonry. For example, the heart is softened and the spine is stiffened.
What benefits will I gain from freemasonry?
What benefits will I gain from freemasonry?
Freemason Connect HD