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In reading Preston's Illustrations of Masonry, I came across an interesting early letter I thought I would share. It claims to be a copy of a manuscript wherein King Henry VI is questioning someone about Masons. This would date it to around the mid 1400's. The language of the original in middle English, so I don't doubt the age. Whether it was truly the king doing the questioning could be debated, but it's not impossible. It's a very interesting manuscript for a few reasons. First, it is a different version of the origins than I have seen elsewhere, stating it came from the East by way of Venetians. Secondly, that this early on they were referring to the institution as a fraternity and to the members as brethren. Third, that the secrets they kept had to do with matters beyond simply trade secrets. And finally, that there is a very definite emphasis on Masons being generally of higher moral character than the rest of society. This last part is communicated in a very fair and balanced way leading me to think that it isn't purely rhetoric. All of this at a time when most historians say that Masons were a purely operative group. While it's impossible to know exactly what the Masons of this time were like, this has definitely altered my views on them and I thought I would share.
Here is a link to the document as well as some added commentary: http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/illus...three_the_principles_of_masonry_explained.htm
I have also taken the liberty to clean up and modernize it a bit. This was quite challenging and a knowledge of the German language was helpful. Still, there were a few words I wasn't sure about and it's possible that I made the wrong "translation" on others, so take my version with a grain of salt.
A Letter from the learned Mr. John Locke, to the Right Hon. Thomas Earl of
Pembroke, with an old Manuscript on the subject of Free-Masonry.
6th May, 1696
My Lord,
I have at length, by the help of Mr. Collins, procured a copy of that MS. in the Bodleian library,
which you were so curious to see: and, in obedience to your lordship's commands, I herewith send it
to you. Most of the notes annexed to it, are what I made yesterday for the reading of my Lady
Masham, who is become so fond of masonry, as to say, that she now more than ever wishes herself a
man, that she might be capable of admission into the fraternity.
The MS. of which this is a copy, appears to be about 160 years old; yet (as your lordship will observe
by the title) it is itself a copy of one yet more ancient by about 100 years: for the original is said to be
the hand-writing of K. Henry VI. Where that prince had it, is at present an uncertainty; but it seems to
me to be an examination (taken perhaps before the king) of some one of the brotherhood of masons;
among whom he entered himself, as it is said, when he came out of his minority, and thenceforth put a
stop to a persecution that had been raised against them: But I must not detain your lordship longer by
my preface from the thing itself.
I know not what effect the sight of this old paper may have upon your lordship; but for my own part I
cannot deny, that it has so much raised my curiosity, as to induce me to enter myself into the
fraternity, which I am determined to do (if I may be admitted) the next time I go to London, and that
will be shortly. I am,
My Lord And most humble servant,
John Locke
Certain Questions, with Answers to the same, concerning the Mystery of Masonry;
written by the hand of king Henry, the sixth of the name, and faithfully copied
by me (1) Johan Leylande, Antiquarius, by the command of his (2) Highness
Quest. What mote it be? (3)
Answ. It beeth the skill of nature, the understanding of the might that is herein, and its
particular workings; particularly, the skill of numbers, of weights and measures, and the true
manner of fashioning all things for men’s use; chiefly, dwellings, and buildings of all kinds,
and all other things that make good to men.
Quest. Where did it begin?
Answ. It did begin with the first men in the east, which were before the first
men of the west, and coming westerly, it hath brought herewith all comforts to the wild
and comfortless.
Quest. Who did bring it westerly?
Answ. The Venetians, who being great merchants, came first from the east in
Venetia, for the commodity of marchaundysynge both the east and west by the Red and
Mediterranean seas.
Quest. Howe came it in England?
Answ. Peter Gower a Grecian, journeyed for knowledge in Egypt, and in Syria, and in
every land whereas the Venetians had planted masonry, and winning entrance in all
lodges of masons, he learned much, and returned, and dwelt in Grecia Magna, growing,
and becoming a mighty wyseacre, and greatly renowned, and here he framed a grate lodge
at Groton, and made many masons, some whereoff did journey in France, and made
many masons, wherefrom, in process of time, the art passed in England.
Quest. Do masons discover their arts unto others?
Answ. Peter Gower, when he journeyed to learn, was first made, and anon taught;
even so should all others beyn right. Nevertheless masons have always, in every time,
from time to time, communicated to mankind such of her secrets as generally might be
useful; they have kept back such alone as should be harmful if they came in evil
hands, or such as any might be beneficial without the techniques to be joined herewith in
the lodge, or such as do bind the brethren more strongly together, bey the profit and
commodity coming to the fraternity herefrom.
Quest. What arts have the masons taught mankind?
Answ. The arts agriculture, architecture, astronomy, geometry, numbers, music, poetry,
chemistry, government, and religion.
Quest. How came masons more teachers than other men?
Answ. They themselves have alone in art of finding new arts, which are the first
masons rescued from God; by the which they find what arts they please, and the true
way of teaching the same, what other men do find out, is only by chance, and
therefore but little I tro.
Quest. What do the masons conceal and hide?
Answ. They conceal the art of finding new arts, and that is for their own profit, and
honor: They conceal the art of keeping secrets, that so the world may nothing
conceal from them. They conceal the art of working miracles, and of prophesizing things to
come, that so the same arts may not be used of the wicked to an evil end. They also
conceal the art of changes, the way of winning the faculty of Abrac, the skill of
becoming good and parfyghte without the benefits of fere and hope; and the universal
longage of masons.
Quest. Will he teach me their same arts?
Answ. Ye shall be taught if ye be worthy, and able to learn.
Quest. Do all masons know more than other men?
Answ. Not so. They only have right and occasyonne more than other men to know, but
many do fail in capacity, and many more do want industry, that is absolutely necessary for the
gaining all knowledge.
Quest. Are masons better men then others?
Answ. Some masons are not so virtuous as some other men; but, in the most part, they be
more good than they would be if they were not masons.
Quest. Do masons love each other mightily as beeth fayde?
Answ. Yea verily, and it may not otherwise be: for good men and true, knowing each other
to be such, do always love the more as they be more good.
Here is a link to the document as well as some added commentary: http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/illus...three_the_principles_of_masonry_explained.htm
I have also taken the liberty to clean up and modernize it a bit. This was quite challenging and a knowledge of the German language was helpful. Still, there were a few words I wasn't sure about and it's possible that I made the wrong "translation" on others, so take my version with a grain of salt.
A Letter from the learned Mr. John Locke, to the Right Hon. Thomas Earl of
Pembroke, with an old Manuscript on the subject of Free-Masonry.
6th May, 1696
My Lord,
I have at length, by the help of Mr. Collins, procured a copy of that MS. in the Bodleian library,
which you were so curious to see: and, in obedience to your lordship's commands, I herewith send it
to you. Most of the notes annexed to it, are what I made yesterday for the reading of my Lady
Masham, who is become so fond of masonry, as to say, that she now more than ever wishes herself a
man, that she might be capable of admission into the fraternity.
The MS. of which this is a copy, appears to be about 160 years old; yet (as your lordship will observe
by the title) it is itself a copy of one yet more ancient by about 100 years: for the original is said to be
the hand-writing of K. Henry VI. Where that prince had it, is at present an uncertainty; but it seems to
me to be an examination (taken perhaps before the king) of some one of the brotherhood of masons;
among whom he entered himself, as it is said, when he came out of his minority, and thenceforth put a
stop to a persecution that had been raised against them: But I must not detain your lordship longer by
my preface from the thing itself.
I know not what effect the sight of this old paper may have upon your lordship; but for my own part I
cannot deny, that it has so much raised my curiosity, as to induce me to enter myself into the
fraternity, which I am determined to do (if I may be admitted) the next time I go to London, and that
will be shortly. I am,
My Lord And most humble servant,
John Locke
Certain Questions, with Answers to the same, concerning the Mystery of Masonry;
written by the hand of king Henry, the sixth of the name, and faithfully copied
by me (1) Johan Leylande, Antiquarius, by the command of his (2) Highness
Quest. What mote it be? (3)
Answ. It beeth the skill of nature, the understanding of the might that is herein, and its
particular workings; particularly, the skill of numbers, of weights and measures, and the true
manner of fashioning all things for men’s use; chiefly, dwellings, and buildings of all kinds,
and all other things that make good to men.
Quest. Where did it begin?
Answ. It did begin with the first men in the east, which were before the first
men of the west, and coming westerly, it hath brought herewith all comforts to the wild
and comfortless.
Quest. Who did bring it westerly?
Answ. The Venetians, who being great merchants, came first from the east in
Venetia, for the commodity of marchaundysynge both the east and west by the Red and
Mediterranean seas.
Quest. Howe came it in England?
Answ. Peter Gower a Grecian, journeyed for knowledge in Egypt, and in Syria, and in
every land whereas the Venetians had planted masonry, and winning entrance in all
lodges of masons, he learned much, and returned, and dwelt in Grecia Magna, growing,
and becoming a mighty wyseacre, and greatly renowned, and here he framed a grate lodge
at Groton, and made many masons, some whereoff did journey in France, and made
many masons, wherefrom, in process of time, the art passed in England.
Quest. Do masons discover their arts unto others?
Answ. Peter Gower, when he journeyed to learn, was first made, and anon taught;
even so should all others beyn right. Nevertheless masons have always, in every time,
from time to time, communicated to mankind such of her secrets as generally might be
useful; they have kept back such alone as should be harmful if they came in evil
hands, or such as any might be beneficial without the techniques to be joined herewith in
the lodge, or such as do bind the brethren more strongly together, bey the profit and
commodity coming to the fraternity herefrom.
Quest. What arts have the masons taught mankind?
Answ. The arts agriculture, architecture, astronomy, geometry, numbers, music, poetry,
chemistry, government, and religion.
Quest. How came masons more teachers than other men?
Answ. They themselves have alone in art of finding new arts, which are the first
masons rescued from God; by the which they find what arts they please, and the true
way of teaching the same, what other men do find out, is only by chance, and
therefore but little I tro.
Quest. What do the masons conceal and hide?
Answ. They conceal the art of finding new arts, and that is for their own profit, and
honor: They conceal the art of keeping secrets, that so the world may nothing
conceal from them. They conceal the art of working miracles, and of prophesizing things to
come, that so the same arts may not be used of the wicked to an evil end. They also
conceal the art of changes, the way of winning the faculty of Abrac, the skill of
becoming good and parfyghte without the benefits of fere and hope; and the universal
longage of masons.
Quest. Will he teach me their same arts?
Answ. Ye shall be taught if ye be worthy, and able to learn.
Quest. Do all masons know more than other men?
Answ. Not so. They only have right and occasyonne more than other men to know, but
many do fail in capacity, and many more do want industry, that is absolutely necessary for the
gaining all knowledge.
Quest. Are masons better men then others?
Answ. Some masons are not so virtuous as some other men; but, in the most part, they be
more good than they would be if they were not masons.
Quest. Do masons love each other mightily as beeth fayde?
Answ. Yea verily, and it may not otherwise be: for good men and true, knowing each other
to be such, do always love the more as they be more good.