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The Master Craftsman program


Registered User
Been a while since we had one of these threads-
I’ve just started the ritual and monitor course, really good foundational information by the looks


Premium Member
I'm waiting for my third quiz to arrive now. I'm enjoying it so far.

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Premium Member
The Scottish Rite Master Craftsman (SRMC) program is an exciting, by-mail correspondence course designed and administered by staff at the House of the Temple in Washington, DC, under the guidance and leadership of the Supreme Council, 33°, of the A&A Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, USA. Currently, three courses and a Group Studies program constitute the SRMC.


Registered User
I signed up for the SRMC program years ago but never followed through with it. Does anyone know if my old membership is still good or would I have to sign up for it again?


Premium Member
Good question. Not sure, but I bet if you emailed the Secretary they would be able to look into it. If they have your records, I don't see why not. The course isn't timed.


Premium Member
Brother Sizemore leaves very inspiring smiley faces on your quizzes when you do well!

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Premium Member
I have to say, studying the old rituals from the 17th, 18th, and 19th century and comparing and contrasting how the symbolism in the degrees has evolved has been fascinating. If anyone is on the fence about the Master Craftsman program, I urge you to take the plunge. The two books are very expensive, true, but the cost is well worth the value.

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