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The legend of hiram abiff


Premium Member
by Conrad Hahn, P.C.M.

This Short Talk Bulletin has been adapted from a speech given by the late Most Worshipful Brother Conrad Hahn, in 1972, while serving as thc Excutive Secretary of the Masonic Servicc Association.

The legend of "Hiram, the widow's son," is the foundation of Freemasonry's ritualistic drama of the third, or Master's Degree. While it would be improper to reveal the details of the drama as it is presented in the lodge room, or to make public the ritualistic secrets and symbolism which it contains, the story of Hiram is so well known and has been referred to in Masonic writings so frequently that it has become a part of the cultural heritage of civilized men everywhere.

Briefly stated, the Hiramic legend is as follows: When Solomon, King of Israel, undertook the building of the Temple in Jerusalem, he sent to Hiram, King of Tyre, for materials and assistance. In exchange for agricultural products like corn and wine and oil, King Hiram sent Solomon cedar trees cut from the forests of Lebanon and a skilled and cunning worker in metals. These facts may be found in the Old Testament, especially in Chapter 7 of I Kings and Chapter 2 of 11 Chronicles, where the skilled artisan, named Hiram, is referred to as the "son of a widow of the tribe of Naphtali" whose husband was "a man of Tyre."

This much of the Masonic legend of Hiram comes from the Bible; but the story known to Masons has a tragically different development. Hiram, called Abiff (which is simply a Hebrew expression for "father," a term of respect), worked for King Solomon at Jerusalem, not only in casting all the metallic ornaments for the Temple, but also as a Master of the Works, a superintending architect.

More than 85,000 workmen were employedin the building of the Temple; it took approximately seven years to complete. To those workmen who labored faithfully on the project was promised the status of Master Workman, or Mason, upon its completion.

But some time before the Temple's completion, some of the workmen became dissatisfied and demanded the promotion which they had been promised. Not being organized like modern employees and being used to the harsher and more brutal modes of direct action characteristic of the more primitive times in which they lived, they sought the higher wages and fringe benefits of a Master Workman by conspiring to extort them from Hiram Abiff.

If spite of their violent threats, Hiram steadfastly refused to yield to their demands. Reminding them of their obligations to King Solomon and his God, he resolutely insisted that they honor the contracts by which he and they were bound. Three of them, more brutal than the rest, conspired to attack Master Hiram to force the concessions they were demanding; but he, being faithful to his trust, was more adamant in his refusal, and they in their wrath slew him in the unfinished Temple.

That, essentially, is the legend of Hiram which has become in Masonry one of the most impressive ritualistic dramas of all time. Historically-minded Brethren continue to wonder from whence it came and whose imagination and gifts of language transmitted it into the matchless drama which furnishes the core of "the sublime degree of Master Mason."

Certainly, the tragedy of Hiram is not to be found in the Bible. If only one Hiram is referred to in the Old Testament, the story of his assassination is not corroborated in either I Kings or 11 Chronicles; for there we read as follows: "So Hiram finished all the work he did for King Solomon on the House of the Lord."

Dr. Joseph Fort Newton, the most gifted and inspiring of Masonic writers fifty years ago, chose to believe that the tragic story of Hiram was long in the possession of operative Masons from the Middle Ages down to the dawn of Speculative Masonry in the 17th and 18th centuries. This I seriously doubt, since no mention of Hiram is to be found in any of the Old Charges and Gothic Constitutions, or in any of the remnants of old ritualistic practices to be found in the records of operative lodges which date from 100 years or more before the founding of the first Grand Lodge, which marks the beginning of the era of modern Speculative Freemasonry in 1717 . Had there been even a shred of evidence that the Hiramic legend existed in Masonry before that date, I feel sure that Dr. James Anderson would have known of it and used it in the legendary history of the Craft which he published in The Constitutions of the Freemasons in 1723.

Furthermore, modern Masonic scholars have shown rather conclusively that there was no tri-gradial system of initiation during the period of operative Masonry, that there was no third or Master Mason Degree as a rite or ceremony before the creation of the Premier Grand Lodge in 1717. The first recital of the Hiramic legend as the dramatic cornerstone of a third or Master Mason's degree appears in an expose of the ritual of Freemasonry entitled Masonry Disseeted, written by a Samuel Prichard and published in London in 1730.

Consequently, it seems a logical conclusion to assume that the Master Mason Degree, and with it, the legend of Hiram Abiff, were introduced into Freemasonry when it became a speculative, or philosophic organization.

Just where did the legend of Hiram come from? No one really knows; scholars have yet to discover its origins and its introduction into Freemasonry. My own scholarly prejudices lead me to believe that it's a re-working of some mediaeval mystery play, whose original may yet be discovered in a private library or the rubbish of an ancient building.

Mystery plays were the most popular form of public entertainment in the Middle Ages. Each guild or trade had its own preferred dramas; most of them were Biblical in origin. They were produced, staged and acted by members of the guild, first in churches, and then in public squares, to which they were banished when the plays became too boisterious and irreverant for the sacerdotal authorities.

These drams were called mysteries, not because they treated of witches, ghosts, or detectives, but because they were produced by craft guilds or "mysteres," which is variant of the French word "mestaire," a craft or guild. So the plays became known in England as mysteres, or mysteries, because they were produced by "mestaires," or guilds. The expression, "the mysteries of Freemasonry," therefore, originally meant the ritualistic ceremonies, or work of the Lodge.

To Masons who thirst for historical certainty about Hiram Abiff and his position in Masonic ritual, I can only give a dusty answer. It's not really important.

It's a mistake to consider the Hiramic legend as history. There was a Hiram Abiff in history, but our Third Degree is not interested in him as such. The drama of Hiram is a conflict of a man with other men, of an individual against evil forces embodied in other men.

Hiram Abiff is the dramatized symbol of the human soul-of mine, of yours, of every man. The work he was engaged in is symbolic of the work which you and I are committed to perform in the supervision, organization and direction of our lives from birth to dissolution. The enemies that Hiram meets are really symbols of those lusts and passions and failures of the spirit which in ourselves and others make war on our characters and spiritual aspirations.

In my opinion, this symbolic increment to the Hiramic legend was added by one of the Speculative Masons of the early Eighteenth Century, by someone with the education and philosophical attainments of a man like Dr. John Theophilus Desaguliers or other Rosicrucian adept.

Hiram's death was also his triumph--as the resurrection of truth over ignorance is always a victory, in spite of its being buried for a while in the rubbish of scorn and deliberate persecution.

This is the real importance of the legend of Hiram, that it still stirs men to serve the Truth by steadfastly maintaining the necessity of their noblest aspirations, even to apparent defeat in death, out of which can arise a more perfect Living Perpendicular!

Edwin Booth, the famous actor and loyal Mason, was no mean judge of the essencc of tragedy; he evaluated the Hiramic legend in these words:
"In all my research and study, in all my close analysis of the masterpieces of Shakespeare, in my earnest determination to make those plays appear real on the mimic stage, I have never, and nowhere, met tragedy so real, so sublime, so magnificant as the legend of Hiram. It is substance without shadow the manifest destiny of life which requires no picture and scarcely a word to make a lasting impression upon all who understand. To be a Worshipful Master, and to throw my whole soul into that work, with the candidate for my audience and the Lodge for my stage, would be a greater personal distinction than to receive the plaudits of people in the theaters of the world."

And that should tell us, if we are Master Workmen, what we should do with the legend of Hiram when we work in "the mysteries of Freemasonry." We must make it truly sublime!


Premium Member
Yeah, higher wage/capitalism/mammona has been the problem since many-many years ago.
It's important to "hire altruistic staff" when building "sacred objects".
Or was it 'bout "lost word"?
You are going to have to elaborate on that one. How exactly do you equate the Hiramic legend of the Third Degree with "capitalism is the problem"? That has to be a first for me, hearing someone make that conclusion.

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Premium Member
Hello, Sir.
That's very simple:
historical perspective, most wars were cause of "resources", capitalism, emperialism, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Great Depression, etc.
And Hiram Abiff was murdered for money.
Marxist theory has no compatibility with Freemasonry. And Hiram was not murdered for money. What Lodge do you belong to?

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Premium Member
It's written above:
they demanded promotion & higher wages.
You haven't answered my question. What Lodge do you belong to that you see communist philosophy in the legend of Hiram Abif?

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Registered User
Hello, Sir.
That's very simple:
historical perspective, most wars were cause of "resources", capitalism, emperialism, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Great Depression, etc.
And Hiram Abiff was murdered for money.

What? The third degree predates Marx, Engels, Lenin etc.
In continental Europe freemasonry was something of a intresst of the nobility and ruling class. In Sweden our current king is the first king since the 1700s to not be involved with freemasonry.


Premium Member
Ya'll just don't understand.
Why Hiram Abiff was murdered?
And you still aren't elaborating on your comments. So far all I have heard is you equating a Masonic ritual with Communist teachings. Something that is anathema to our Fraternity. And I am still curious about your Masonic affiliation. Maybe explain what we arent understanding so we can laugh too.

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Coach John S. Nagy
Premium Member
Hello, Sir.
That's very simple:
historical perspective, most wars were cause of "resources", capitalism, emperialism, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Great Depression, etc.
And Hiram Abiff was murdered for money.
Actually, wars are caused by lack of costly deterrents.


Premium Member
Greetings, Coach!
I don't understand one thing from "this story":
Ok, let's suppose that it's normal to "keep secrets"!
But, why with "building" the Temple of Solomon?!
If Hiram Abiff was -- some kind of -- warrior, soldier spy, or kinda Secretary of Treasury, who knew where the "gold digged" for example -- it'd be more understandable.
If you were a Freemson it would make sense.

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Coach John S. Nagy
Premium Member
Greetings, Coach!
I don't understand one thing from "this story":
You'd benefit a bit then from studying the basis and function of "allegories".
Ok, let's suppose that it's normal to "keep secrets"!
Suppose? Why does one have to suppose that it's normal? You don't openly share your private information do you?
But, why with "building" the Temple of Solomon?!
Back to: You'd benefit a bit then from studying the basis and function of "allegories".
If Hiram Abiff was -- some kind of -- warrior, soldier spy, or kinda Secretary of Treasury, who knew where the "gold digged" for example -- it'd be more understandable.
Or simply a normal guy who had developed masterful skills that could not be transferred to anyone who believed they could get them by simply asking for them without putting in the time to develop them for themselves.

Howard Giang

Registered User
Even though I am not a Mason yet, and this is how I understand the legend of Hiram Abiff. If a person is a Master Mason, he obligated to keep the secret knowledge of Masonry from unworthy Fellow Crafts (fellow craft is not yet trustworthy) even if he has to give up his life to safeguard the secret. Another words, the secret of Masonry is more important than a Mason’s life of himself because a Mason will come and go, but the secret will always be there. Any Ex-Mason would know this concept and that is why they still have not revealed the secret when they bitterly left the Craft. On the other hand, the teaching of the legend to the Fellow Craft is that they can only obtain the secret knowledge of a Master Mason through their works and obligations to Freemasonry and through the Masonic journey. No short cuts.

Glen Cook

G A Cook
Site Benefactor
Even though I am not a Mason yet, and this is how I understand the legend of Hiram Abiff. If a person is a Master Mason, he obligated to keep the secret knowledge of Masonry from unworthy Fellow Crafts (fellow craft is not yet trustworthy) even if he has to give up his life to safeguard the secret. Another words, the secret of Masonry is more important than a Mason’s life of himself because a Mason will come and go, but the secret will always be there. Any Ex-Mason would know this concept and that is why they still have not revealed the secret when they bitterly left the Craft. On the other hand, the teaching of the legend to the Fellow Craft is that they can only obtain the secret knowledge of a Master Mason through their works and obligations to Freemasonry and through the Masonic journey. No short cuts.
You misunderstand. As noted repeatedly in the posts above, we deal in allegory.

Nothing in our ritual indicates a fellowcraft is untrustworthy. To the contrary.

Actually, many ex-masons reveal our “secrets.”

I’m going to be that grouch: it’s unseemly for you to comment on what masonry is, or is not, even with the disclaimer that you aren’t a mason.
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Howard Giang

Registered User
You misunderstand. As noted repeatedly in the posts above, we deal in allegory.
I don’t know; however, I agree with you that it is in allegory. I am not saying my interpretation is right. I just expressed my opinion that was how I understood in my own interpretation.

Nothing in our ritual indicates a fellowcraft is untrustworthy. To the contrary.[/QUOTE]
I didn’t say Fellow Craft is untrustworthy as a person in Freemasonry. Fellow Craft is only considered trustworthy up to 2 degrees. I said Fellow Craft is not “yet” trustworthy as a 3 degrees Master Mason.
That is why Fellow Craft cannot attend 3 degrees Master Mason Ritual.

Actually, many ex-masons reveal our “secrets.”[/QUOTE]
We can disagree on this point because most of the secret that ex-mason allegedly revealed were straight out of text books that were published by honorable Masons.

I’m going to be that grouch: it’s unseemly for you to comment on what masonry is, or is not, even with the disclaimer that you aren’t a mason.[/QUOTE]
I apologize if you understand it that way. Unfortunately, I had to make a disclaimer so that anti-mason don’t attack me personally as they think I am a Mason. One one these days, when I got my first degree then I will be on your side. Until then, I am just going to be neutral.

Glen Cook

G A Cook
Site Benefactor
Listen closely: a Fellowcraft is not untrustworthy. I think the issue may be that English is not your first language. Your comment is actually contradicted by some rituals which refer to “Fifteen Fellowcrafts of that superior class of workman appointed to preside over the rest.” Masons believed to be untrustworthy are not appointed to supervise.

You’ve changed your statement. You first said “Any Ex-mason would know thus this concept and that is why they still have not revealed the secret....”. You’ve now moved the goal to state “most” of it was from text books. So, you now appear to admit that masons to reveal the secrets. And, some of the revelations aren’t from text books.

The issue isn’t your disclaimer, but that you choose not just to give (incorrect) opinions on the interpretation of masonry, but to correct masons on the subject. I’m not sure you comprehend how ill considered your position is and, in my view, offensive.

I shall leave it there, and avoid commenting further on your posts, as I am having the greatest difficulty in subduing my passions over your statements.
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Howard Giang

Registered User
I didn’t say Fellow Craft is untrustworthy as a person in Freemasonry. Fellow Craft is only considered trustworthy up to 2 degrees. I said Fellow Craft is not “yet” trustworthy as a 3 degrees Master Mason.
That is why Fellow Craft cannot attend 3 degrees Master Mason Ritual.

Actually, many ex-masons reveal our “secrets.”
We can disagree on this point because most of the secret that ex-mason allegedly revealed were straight out of text books that were published by honorable Masons.

I’m going to be that grouch: it’s unseemly for you to comment on what masonry is, or is not, even with the disclaimer that you aren’t a mason.[/QUOTE]
I apologize if you understand it that way. Unfortunately, I had to make a disclaimer so that anti-mason don’t attack me personally as they think I am a Mason. One one these days, when I got my first degree then I will be on your side. Until then, I am just going to be neutral.[/QUOTE]
Listen closely: a Fellowcraft is not untrustworthy. I think the issue may be that English is not your first language. Your comment is actually contradicted by some rituals which refer to “Fifteen Fellowcrafts of that superior class of workman appointed to preside over the rest.” Masons believed to be untrustworthy are not appointed to supervise.

You’ve changed your statement. You first said “Any Ex-mason would know thus this concept and that is why they still have not revealed the secret....”. You’ve now moved the goal to state “most” of it was from text books. So, you now appear to admit that masons to reveal the secrets. And, some of the revelations aren’t from text books.

The issue isn’t your disclaimer, but that you choose not just to give (incorrect) opinions on the interpretation of masonry, but to correct masons on the subject. I’m not sure you comprehend how ill considered your position is and, in my view, offensive.

I shall leave it there, and avoid commenting further on your posts, as I am having the greatest difficulty in subduing my passions over your statements.[/QUOTE]
Please let me at least clarify. I agree that the word “untrustworthy” is not the best word to use to explain my interpretation. I just couldn’t come up with another word to replace that word. Maybe “not ready” or “not quality” should be a substitute word. What word would you suggest?
The reason I stated that I am not a Mason was also not to mislead others that my opinion was a Masonic interpretation. I know my opinion is not correct as I read it based on my limited knowledge of Craft. I am happy to learn from you.
When I said “most” information were not revealed as secret from ex-mason because the rest of other information were bashing, bs, made up nonsense stuff.
Glen, I come to this forum to learn and understand what Masonry is all about. It would be nice if you would have been nice to me a little. Have a nice day!