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Spiritual beliefs in my Masonic journey:

Bro. D C-M Sr.

Registered User
Spiritual beliefs in my Masonic journey:

As an Indigenous person and a Master Mason, I deeply believe in a higher power
. However, I do not subscribe to the doctrines of organized religions or their sacred texts
. I have always held these personal views close to my heart, respecting the beliefs of others

To express my own spiritual connection, I cherish a sacred feather
. This feather was entrusted to my care by my ancestors as a symbol of life and the interconnectedness of all beings
. I have crafted a custom wooden box for the feather, inscribed with a personal quote in our native language

I intend to present this feather to the Worshipful Master
and request that it be displayed alongside the Lodge's sacred texts
. This will offer a meaningful representation of my Indigenous spirituality within the Masonic context

I would greatly appreciate hearing the perspectives of my fellow Indigenous Masonic brothers on this matter


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Brother Rogers

Registered User
Greetings, Brother. Osiyo from a fellow Indigenous Master Mason in Texas. I'm Cherokee, and I'm also a bit of a traditionalist myself. My grandfather, also a Master Mason, was even more of a Nighthawk. Like you, we don't have a single book that we can point to as our Volume of Sacred Law. Furthermore, I tend to be very private about Tsalagi spirituality. It's not secret, it's just private.

I personally love the feather idea, but the rules about what is allowed on the altar are of course jurisdictional. If your grand lodge allows it, I think it's wonderful.

My perspective about the VSL on the altar is that it's primarily symbolic. For my part, it might as well be the Torah, the Koran, the Gita, a collection of Sutras, or even a great work of literature. But we must of course follow the rules from our Grand Lodge.