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Prince Hall Masonic Plates

Blake Bowden

Brothers, get on the ball. Bro. Joey and I heard excuse after excuse that Masonic License plates weren't doable, they cost too much, the demand wasn't there, etc. Two years later, we have them for our Grand Lodge. It's been a HUGE success for us, share your light! Here are some examples of PHA plates....





Premium Member
Currently the GLoTX makes $22 from every set of plates that are sold and keep in mind that is per year per set.


Premium Member
Currently the GLoTX makes $22 from every set of plates that are sold and keep in mind that is per year per set.

That's a pretty good return. Maybe the upfront costs are what are holding up the process here in TX

Blake Bowden

$8k...which is returned, then a percentage is given back for each plate....each year. Maybe this just needs to be brought to attention? A Statewide fundraiser or just a donation may do it?
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