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Name three things you wish we could change...


Staff Member
Our Lodge: New Members
Grand Lodge: Better website & more information, more publicity on TV, radio or newspaper
Freemasonry: Hmm......:confused:


Founding Member
Premium Member
Hmm, good one.

Lodge: More active old members
Grand Lodge: No idea
Masonry: Id like to see us get away from being a social club and become more of the enlightened society that it was intended to be.
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Founding Member
Premium Member
My Lodge, oh jeez where do I begin, start with a few attitude adjustments if I could

GrandLodge, bring it out of the 19th century physically and mentally

Freemasonry, open it's mind

Nate C.

Registered User
My Lodge: We need a larger building!
Grand Lodge: More agressive, progressive thought.
Masonry in general: We need to get the word out to the new generation.


Premium Member
My Lodge: Additudes, More Active, More Open Minds
Grand Lodge: Pull their Website out of the DOS ages, Update Programs (ALL, LIFE, etc.), Make Videos
Masonry: Not a thing I believe Masonry is what you make of it, if you look you can find what you don't at first see.


Premium Member
My Lodge: Get members more active.
Grand Lodge: Not much really, update web site, better communication with the members maybe. Make more of the historical records more readily available via web. This is actually better than it was not that long ago, it is a process with very few full time people...
Freemasonry: Nothing. The fact that very little has changed is what I like about it.


If you could change anything about your Lodge, Grand Lodge, or Freemasonry in general, what would it be?

Your Lodge: To be more proactive in the community, have table lodges.

Grand Lodge: Be more diverse, and not be a bunch of lawyers/business men in retirement.

Freemasonry in General: Bring back the love of the esotric work from the late 1800s and early 1900s


Founding Member
Premium Member
2 years and my lodge is dong much much better. The WM has a thing or two to learn in my opinion!
Grand Lodge Officers and the Grand West have turned there attention to the issues they face. Whether that attention is good or bad we seem to have all hands on deck trying to "fix" Grand Lodge.
Freemasonry, Wow who would have ever thought us youngens would flood into the craft and care so much! Not to discount count the Old Guard but the re-interest in Freemasonry is astonishing.

Brother Blake inspired me to go take a look back at old threads, tons of awesome stuff on this site.

Bro. Brad Marrs

Premium Member
My Lodge: More esoteric study and discussion.
Grand Lodge: Better intranet type web presence. Specifically learning programs, law book updates, etc.
Freemasonry: Nothing really. Our ancient brethren had it figured out, I think.