Yes sir.........I appreciate that, Brother is always good to meet a Square..........I enjoy reading the threads on this site, and I have learned quite a bit........Things are most certainly BRIGHTER on this regular and recognized Prince Hall Affiliated side of Masonry.......In the Lodge in which I was raised, (Mount Sinai Grand Lodge, AF &AM) there were some really good Men, who were surprisingly knowledgable about the Craft and Ritual which we read at the time. (Lester's Look To The East--Ralph P. Lester) But, I was still very RESTLESS in that Lodge, because there were questions that I had that COULD NOT BE ANSWERED, regarding
lineage and
ties to the UGLE, and also more information about WHY John G. Jones felt the need to do what he did by creating Black AF&AM Masonry in 1869, when Prince Hall Affiliated FREE and ACCEPTED Masonry was already well established for almost 100 years at THAT TIME. The biggest issue I had was regarding recognition and LINEAGE. I was getting NO conversation from co-workers of mine who were Prince Hall masons, and at the time, I didnt' understand why. No matter how much I read, researched, or asked the Elder Brethren in that Lodge, I was not finding what I needed to see. Brothers were always very defensive, and easily angered, because they felt that a Younger Brother challenging their "history" was disrespectful. So, I made what turned out to be the hardest decision in my young Masonic career, but it was the BEST decision for ME. Of course, Brothers were not happy, and were telling me that "I'd be back", once I "discovered that it was all the same" here in Prince Hall Affiliated Masonry. Well, it is NOT ALL THE SAME, and I am quite pleased with my decision to leave, and have no regrets. I miss the fellowship of the good men that were there, but I cannot live my life paying dues and giving my time to a Lodge that does not afford me what EVERY REGULAR MASON enjoys----Rights, Lights, and Benefits of the proper affiliation. In that Lodge, all I would ever be able to enjoy would be the camaraderie of the Brothers in THAT Lodge......I needed to know that my affiliation would provide me with the proper recognition and lineage, because I also want to pass this on to both of my Sons, when they are of age, should they express an interest in becoming Brothers. Keep in touch, my email is Bro. Vincent C. Jones, Sr., Bayou City Lodge #228, PHA, F & AM, Houston, Texas