Blake Bowden
A couple of years ago, a handful of Brethren on this site were pushing hard for inter-visitation between Prince Hall and "Mainstream" Lodges. Since then, there have been a handful of members on this forum who no longer visit, not to mention the hate mail I received in supporting such action. I'm pretty thick skinned, so I could care less about those guys who proudly wear their plastic name badges, S&C on their lapels and bumper stickers, yet fail to adhere to their obligations and the basic teachings of Freemasonry.
Apparently contact was made between our respective Grand Lodges and I was told that several concerns were expressed. One was cross membership, not just visitation. Some Prince Hall Brethren were concerned that many would move to mainstream due to the lower dues fees. Another issue was racism on BOTH sides. Would a predominately African-American Lodge welcome outsiders? Would a predominately White Lodge welcome a Prince Hall Brother with an outstretched hand of Brotherly love?
For me, they are valid concerns. Are we, as regular Masons, strong enough to keep the channels of communication open and to call out racism on both sides? Are we willing to stand up and put pressure on those Lodges who continue to allow bigotry?
What will the state of Masonry be if a "Mainstream" Lodge refuses to allow a "Black" into the Lodge? What then? Will the Master of the Lodge take charge? Will the Grand Master step in and threaten to pull the Charter? What if a "White" Mason wanted to visit a Prince Hall Lodge and was told he wasn't welcome? These are worse case scenarios, but chances are they will occur if we extend visitation.
I don't represent any Masonic body, but I have a feeling those who support inter-visitation have support from many of our Grand Lodge officers. Extending relations won't be easy. We have inherited centuries of division and racism, so we'd be naive to think everything will go smoothly. In 2007 we signed an historic compact, especially for a "Southern State". If we allow inter-visitation in Texas, it will reverberate throughout the nation, especially the Southern region. I can tell you right now, there are other Jurisdictions, including both Prince Hall and Mainstream, who are watching closely.
Before I wrap up things, I would never support merging our Masonic bodies. One is not better than the other. You cannot gain more Light going Prince Hall or vice versa. Both are wonderful Masonic Bodies; I'd just like to shake the hand of a Prince Hall Worshipful Master and see him set his Craft to labor with good and wholesome instruction.
Apparently contact was made between our respective Grand Lodges and I was told that several concerns were expressed. One was cross membership, not just visitation. Some Prince Hall Brethren were concerned that many would move to mainstream due to the lower dues fees. Another issue was racism on BOTH sides. Would a predominately African-American Lodge welcome outsiders? Would a predominately White Lodge welcome a Prince Hall Brother with an outstretched hand of Brotherly love?
For me, they are valid concerns. Are we, as regular Masons, strong enough to keep the channels of communication open and to call out racism on both sides? Are we willing to stand up and put pressure on those Lodges who continue to allow bigotry?
What will the state of Masonry be if a "Mainstream" Lodge refuses to allow a "Black" into the Lodge? What then? Will the Master of the Lodge take charge? Will the Grand Master step in and threaten to pull the Charter? What if a "White" Mason wanted to visit a Prince Hall Lodge and was told he wasn't welcome? These are worse case scenarios, but chances are they will occur if we extend visitation.
I don't represent any Masonic body, but I have a feeling those who support inter-visitation have support from many of our Grand Lodge officers. Extending relations won't be easy. We have inherited centuries of division and racism, so we'd be naive to think everything will go smoothly. In 2007 we signed an historic compact, especially for a "Southern State". If we allow inter-visitation in Texas, it will reverberate throughout the nation, especially the Southern region. I can tell you right now, there are other Jurisdictions, including both Prince Hall and Mainstream, who are watching closely.
Before I wrap up things, I would never support merging our Masonic bodies. One is not better than the other. You cannot gain more Light going Prince Hall or vice versa. Both are wonderful Masonic Bodies; I'd just like to shake the hand of a Prince Hall Worshipful Master and see him set his Craft to labor with good and wholesome instruction.