I'm a bit confused at your concern with the term "healing" What jurisdiction do you hail from?
His profile states: Home Lodge: JOB#33 Grand Lodge: St. Titus AF&AM
I'm a bit confused at your concern with the term "healing" What jurisdiction do you hail from?
I'm a bit confused at your concern with the term "healing" What jurisdiction do you hail from?
His profile states: Home Lodge: JOB#33 Grand Lodge: St. Titus AF&AM
The Grand Orient is irregular. Is Prince Hall still deemed irregular?
I hate to harp on this but, Prince Hall had long been granted a legitimate charter by UGLE. Those that want to twist this into the wind are wasting their time and credibility.
Let's dump this dancing around the head of a pin, shall we?
I was pointing out a fundamental dishonesty on the part of someone who tried to rationalize any need for "healing over" or repetition of degrees for a PHA Mason who would wish to adhere to a GLoTX lodge.