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"Healing Over"


Premium Member
So, then, if a MM were to move to Indiana, for example, he would have to re-work all three degrees to be a MM under the Indiana Grand Lodge...

No, because of the COGMNA that isn't the case as North American Grand Lodges don't require it, but for instance if you go to Europe it depends and most likely will. In theory the Grand Lodge of Indiana could require a Mason from an outside state to re-accomplish the degrees if wanting to join an GLoI lodge, and renounce their membership say in Texas, even though there is full recognition between the two.

if the Mason was from the Grand Orient of the United States and they tried to join Indiana or Texas, then yes they would have to reaccomplish the degrees and renounce their membership, and the GOUSA is 100% white.

So again, it's not so much about race as it is about recognition and masonic tradition. Since GLoTX did not share jurisdiction woth PHA prior to 2006, you would have to do that, as you would with any non-recognized masonic organization. The lack of recognition is racially motivated, the renouncing that you are so hung up can be standard practice regardless of race.

-Bro Vick


Premium Member
The PHA was deemed clandestine not irregular, you have your terms mixed up. So no, PHA was never considered irregular. If you have questions regarding their status with the.GLoTX and PHA than I would direct you to go look at the.compact between the two organizations.

Your inferred point doesn't negate the fact that renouncement has more to do with jurisdiction than with racial motives. While the two can be related, it is practiced more for jurisdiction purposes than for race.


Premium Member
Prince Hall is clandestine? I had thought that "recognition" meant that Prince Hall is not clandestine. Likewise, UGLE has flatly stated that Prince Hall is not clandestine.


Premium Member
BryanMaloney:76545 said:
Prince Hall is clandestine? I had thought that "recognition" meant that Prince Hall is not clandestine. Likewise, UGLE has flatly stated that Prince Hall is not clandestine.

I wrote was, when you take the effort to actual read what I wrote, and have better grasp of the concept, I will be happy to re-engage.

Until then...pass.


Premium Member
If we could somehow get visitation and recognition here in TX, I don't think that a brother would be required to renounce the old jurisdiction, at least I would hope thats how it works.


Premium Member
We have recognition between MWPHGLoTX & GLoTX, only thing we dont have is visitation which i would love to see happen.
If we could somehow get visitation and recognition here in TX, I don't think that a brother would be required to renounce the old jurisdiction, at least I would hope thats how it works.

Blake Bowden

We have recognition between MWPHGLoTX & GLoTX, only thing we dont have is visitation which i would love to see happen.

That's it right there. BOTH M.W. Grand Lodge of Texas (MWPHGLoTX & GLoTX) recognize each other as sharing the Jurisdiction of Texas as regular Masons. PHA Masons are not clandestine nor irregular and vice versa.

In matter of fact, here's the actual compact between both Grand Lodge's:


Premium Member
Not clandestine, not irregular, so visitation is no problem at all, and membership transfer would be a transfer not a renunciation of the other as a false body, right?


Premium Member
Not necessarily, Bryan........My WM of our PHA Lodge has traveled to Indiana, and since they are styled F&AM, he contacted them prior to leaving, and was allowed to visit, and sat in meeting along with the Mainstream Brothers in that particular all depends on how you are styled, whether you are F&AM, or AF&AM (mainstream), and also on the visitation/recognition agreement of that particular State, as noted in their Const./By Laws. Keep in mind, however, that there are 26 States in the Union whose Mainstream Lodges are styled Free and Accepted, but may NOT welcome a PHA Brother, simply because he is F&AM. Paul Bessel has a good website that has a table showing which States "recognize" (I HATE THAT TERM) Prince Hall Affiliated Masonry.


Premium Member
Most States that "recognize" Prince Hall Affiliated Masonry also allow mutual visitation. For a Brother who is going out of town, it is always suggested that he have his WM or DDGM contact the GL of that State, to inquire about visitation prior to his departure.


Registered User
Bro Upton, as bad as this may sound but I am in a lodge that speaks of such things... I am at the moment seeking a PH brother in Chicago to reach out to, so I can try and start my healing process. after reading a post that you and brother towerbuilder7 spoke about when it came to 4 letters and 3 letters back in April 2012, Ive search long and hard for my GL linage .. and to my research Nothing surfaced. So, I thank you for this post .. Keep Traveling Bro SMIB


Premium Member
Bro Upton, as bad as this may sound but I am in a lodge that speaks of such things... I am at the moment seeking a PH brother in Chicago to reach out to, so I can try and start my healing process. after reading a post that you and brother towerbuilder7 spoke about when it came to 4 letters and 3 letters back in April 2012, Ive search long and hard for my GL linage .. and to my research Nothing surfaced. So, I thank you for this post .. Keep Traveling Bro SMIB

I'm glad to hear that and I wish you the best. Where in Chicago are you? I may be able to put you in touch with someone.


Registered User
I actually live outside of Chicago in a city name Harvey, I know MWPHGL is located in Chicago on 42nd in something not sure... But I would love to learn more on the up and up to get healed because like what I've read this kind of make me feel like I went thru what I went thru for nothing if its a "spurious" Lodge. I'll give you some insight to me. I came in contact with masonry as a teen 18yrs of age working at Jewel/Osco. There was a security guard name Bro. Mike Perkins and I've seen this emblem on his neck and so I ask "what is that?" he laugh and said when you're old enough turn 21 and then we can talk!, So I then lost communication with Mike Perkins, I moved to Joliet and that Jewels/Osco closed. So while I was in Joliet, I've kept passing by this lodge and was contemplating going in. (at this time I was 22yrs Old) So, I didn't.. I ended up going to Walmart where I meet SW Tom, I saw his ring and said you are a mason, he stated I am! I said well how do I go about requesting information about masonry? he stated ask one? so I laugh and and ask how.... so from that point on I then at 22yrs old became a EA, then .. due to family influences about free masonry being Satan worshipers I pulled journey for more light, Now from that point on I tell brothers once introduce to something you never forget.. So with that of what I seen.. at the age of 26.. while working out at the YMCA in Joliet I was still thinking about that that first step... I then met my now WM John Edwards who was telling me after talking to finish what Ive started I .. I the moment denied for at this point in life I went thru a self awareness and a state of consciousness awaken...1yr later after I brushed up on my EA degree I made my mind up and told help I was in search for more light... October 2011 I was passed and December 10 2011 I was raised to the sublime degree! So, people ask why did you wait so long to continue to grow, I explained to them I did live a life like an EA that why! But, Now what made me interested in the PHAmily, was the works done and the Brotherly love. Now don't get it wrong my Joliet lodge that I was initiated in was all Caucasian LOL! no offense to my brothers but what went thru my head as a EA with my cable ... kind of sent chills up my spine lol! but I love how PH brothers act as one accord! SMIB


Premium Member
Your point is clearly understood, Brother. The first step I would suggest, would be to check the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois website, to check for the Prince Hall Lodge nearest your home. Next, contact the person or persons listed on the site, in an effort to gather more information on submitting a petition for healing. For your reading, there is an excellent book titled, "Inside Prince Hall", written by Bro David Gray, which is available on Amazon, which will give you more LIGHT on Prince Hall Affiliated Masonry, and its ties to AMERICAN History. Good luck on your journey, Brother. You will not regret your sojourn into the PHAmily ONE BIT.

FREEMasonry is a beautiful thing; but, in order for Man to REALIZE the beauty of the Craft which he has joined,I am of the opinion that he must first DECIDE THAT HE HAS A DESIRE TO APPLY THE TEACHINGS OF THE GOD WHOM HE WORSHIPS TO HIS DAILY WALK. If a Man does this, the application of Masonic principles to your life is actually rather simple. Please keep us posted on this forum on your progress, Brother.....................Bro Vincent C. Jones, Sr.,Bayou City Lodge #228, PHA, Free and Accepted Masonry, Houston, Texas


Registered User
I just read this thread for the first time & am disappointed just in the way it starts off.... "healing". Almost as if something had been hurt, marred, damaged and is in the process of getting fixed or corrected again. Why would we even choose to think that when changing from PHA to Mainstream or vice versa ... takes a "healing" because of a hurt, damaged or marred/learned process? Must be one of those "PC" words kinda like the word "gay" that has been around for ages and finally someone decided to change it's meaning to actually mean homosexual or lesbian. Guess so it's not to hurt peoples feelings.... "healing", "gay" & many others that have had their meanings changed. 'Nuff Said'


Premium Member
I just read this thread for the first time & am disappointed just in the way it starts off.... "healing". Almost as if something had been hurt, marred, damaged and is in the process of getting fixed or corrected again. Why would we even choose to think that when changing from PHA to Mainstream or vice versa ... takes a "healing" because of a hurt, damaged or marred/learned process? Must be one of those "PC" words kinda like the word "gay" that has been around for ages and finally someone decided to change it's meaning to actually mean homosexual or lesbian. Guess so it's not to hurt peoples feelings.... "healing", "gay" & many others that have had their meanings changed. 'Nuff Said'

I'm a bit confused at your concern with the term "healing" What jurisdiction do you hail from? The term seems to be very common among PHA GL jurisdictions, as far as I know. A man that chooses to leave a PHGL to go to a GL of State would not get healed anyway.